The cookie is set by Facebook to show relevant advertisments to the users and measure and improve the advertisements. Well, we have the user, and the service plan. or if you get an error regarding PSMemory you can modify it. I do have an issue with local logos (as the ones I can find for my customers would need to be slightly modified). In my example, I want to find all users that are currently locked-out or disabled. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As a Microsoft Partner we are both extremely experienced and well-connected. For example: $MsolAccountSkus and $LicesedMsOnlineUsers are basically what you can see in a user’s license overview of the Office 365 portal. Which also happens if you have too many records for the scheme. I’ll create an empty hash table, $DemoHash, then try to add the service plan information to it: OK. No errors, that’s good. + $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties * Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. To obtain the report in a different format, modify the script according to the needs of the user. The chart displays licensed users and unlicensed users. try breaking the script up a bit if its timing out. make them less discoverable. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Your download should begin automatically in 15 seconds. I was able to run against my smaller tenant, but against the larger we timed out powershell after a while. The cookie is set by CloudFare. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. Using a PowerShell HashTable we are able to convert the SkuID of the license and convert it to a much friendlier name. Working on Group Policy Report…

Favorites Add to favorites. Well, we’re in luck. No i don’t Office 365 PowerShell License Report SCENARIO:Office 365 PowerShell License Report.When you are in an environment that changes to licenses are happening every day or a lot of users are activated and deactivated everyday it is very difficult to keep track of the licenses and when it is needed to order new licenses fo If we had more recent E-mails we can either go to the next page of results by click “Next” or we can search for a keyword which will filter the existing data. For instance, if I run the following command, I create a hash table with nothing in it. The cookies store information anonymously and assigns a randoly generated number to identify unique visitors. + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another popular reason to compile a report on an Office 365 tenant would be when you take over a new client and you are auditing their environment trying to figure out what exactly is going on. + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Mailbox], ManagementObjectNotFoundException

But what’s in the hash table?