And I also happen to really like the way they taste in muesli. Vegan vs Plant-Based: What’s the Difference? 1 cup raw muesli + 1 cup cloudy apple juice + 3 tbsp yoghurt + grated apple. Originally they’d have been soaked overnight, but with flaked grains that might be a bit much. Do you prefer info delivered in a neat, easy-to-digest (pun intended) form? Email the grocery list for this recipe to: If you prefer a raw muesli, mix the grain flakes, oats, and bran, if using, in a large bowl. We think we’ve found a soulmate in her.

But they’re only a small part of the recipe, so you can just leave them out entirely, and easily make this a completely nut-free raw muesli! Delicious!. It would be like eating saw dust. When ready to eat, add a little extra milk as needed. Raw Superfood Salad With Pineapple, Almonds + Turmeric Dressing. I wonder if the poppy seeds may all sift to the bottom of the container? And with the weather warming up, this delicious raw muesli is ideal for those sunny mornings when I crave a lighter breakfast. Do you boil it? It's similar to a healthy muesli or granola cereal with fresh fruit and topped with raw nut milk, and is a wonderfully healthy breakfast idea for those eating a raw and living foods diet. It's lacrosse season, and the entire family is training for a marathon and half-marathon, so I think I'll be making this a lot.

Neither is heating it with a little milk (whether from a cow or a nut or a seed or a grain or whatever) and tucking into it while hot. I know that may not be the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps anyway. 9 – 14. They’re usually heavy on the oats, overly sweet and almost always have ingredients I don’t like. Choose what you want to hear about: Hi, I'm Nikki, a mother and business owner, and in my "spare" time I love experimenting with raw, vegan and whole foods recipes that are easy to make and taste delicious. So here’s my super-awesome, top-secret, utterly-random, incredibly-delicious homemade raw muesli recipe. Thank you!

And as always, please take a gander at our comment policy before posting. The almond milk in the picture is red because it has goji berries in it – if you want to do the same, just throw a small handful of … Your homemade muesli creation is limited only by the confines of your imagination (and maybe the nut and fruit bins at your local grocery store). If you don't wish to support my site, please don't click on any ads or affiliate links. Fresh or frozen fruit would work great in place of dried if added at the last moment. I couldn't live without mine. Sounds good I’m gunna try the GF version. Suggested ratio: Tag @thesimpleveganista on Instagram and hashtag it #thesimpleveganista, 8 Comments Categories: 1 hour or less, 10 Ingredients Or Less, 15 minutes or less, 30 minutes or less, 5 minutes or less, 7 ingredients or less, Breakfast + Brunch, Budget Friendly, Easy Vegan Recipes, Easy Weeknight Dinner, Fall, Gluten-Free, Low-Fat, Nightshade-Free, Oatmeal, Oil-Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soy-Free, Spring, Summer, Vegan Recipes, Winter, Hi, and welcome to The Simple Veganista where you'll find healthy, affordable, EASY VEGAN RECIPES everyone will love! It yields a delicate sweetness from the dried fruit and offers a great chewy texture.

Don’t like chewing on lots of oats? They have cup lines on the side so you can measure without having to use measuring cups. Have you tried this recipe?

Jump straight to the Natural Muesli recipe. This homemade muesli recipe came just in time as we're trying a mostly plant-based diet in our house. I am so impressed by your joy and optomisim which I believe makes food most delicious. I cut the recipe in half, just in case my attempts at being clever were a major fail. Once you have it in a jar, what do you do with it? First, there are these muesli bars, which are comparable to breakfast bars. This homemade muesli recipe is one of my favorite cold cereals, and has been one of my go-to breakfasts for the last few months, next to this Vanilla Chia Pudding with fruit.

Let us know what you think. After everything had cooled, I added 1 cup raisins and 1/2 cup chopped prunes. When it comes to making your own homemade raw muesli, the world truly is your oyster. I must admit that the recipe seemed to make way too large of a batch, so I cut the recipe in half. ups. I love the overall earthiness of the flavors. Enter your details and click the big orange button to subscribe to my email list. When I saw this homemade muesli recipe, I thought it looked like something my family would enjoy, but I wondered whether the lack of added sugar would make it a little too bland. I probably make them more than any other snack or dessert. I'm excited to experiment some more and see what else I come up with. A scoop of this, a scoop of that, half a scoop of that, and before you know it, you’ve got the most delicious muesli recipe known to man. My superfood muesli with lush summer berries is my favourite breakfast of the moment. Stu B, check out the LC Note. 2 tablespoons wheat bran Wow this looks awesome. Almonds are packed full of protein and heart healthy fats that are kind to your arteries, help lower cholesterol and keep blood sugars stable and also are rich in Vitamin E, the most important antioxidant for the skin protecting skin agains ageing. This recipe will make 6 good sized portions, so you can scale up as needed and make a couple of week’s worth, keeping it fresh in a sealed container.