Mike Mattas

This Sales and Inventory System is developed using Visual Basic .NET(Compatibility - Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012) and using MS Access 2010 database in the back end.

The Microsoft Access Basic Business Invoicing/Purchase Order/Inventory Database is a full-featured Basic Business Invoicing/Purchase Order/Inventory system built completely in Microsoft Access tables, forms, reports, and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code.

i will really appreciate for your help, Do you have source code, articles, tutorials or thesis to share? Record about the products and bills. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it. Version: Basic MS Access Sales and Inventory Database 1.19.06. If you like the basics of what you see in the database, but need enhancements to make the system functional for your business, please contact us and we will develop a quote for you to implement the additional features and enhancements that you need. The WSI Basic Business Invoicing/Purchase Order/Inventory database offers the ability to set up customers, contacts, salespersons, Inventory set-up, Transaction recording, Employee setup, Supplier setup, vendors, and purchase order types and invoice types as well as the ability to input invoices into your Basic Business Invoicing/Purchase Order/Inventory database.

Here all the records are stored in the software. $2.99/month for a 3-year plan, "Straight foward database - simple in structure", JanicePV 1.

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Example tables: AuditEvent AuditEventType Category … editing and speaking 50 % C:\Users\Jonalyn Santos\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Sales and Inventory System\Sales and Inventory System\frmInVoicesReport.Designer.vb 174 0, Warning 24 Referenced assembly 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_64\log4net\\log4net.dll' targets a different processor than the application. Bottom Line: Winning Solutions is “hands down” the most polite, professional, committed, able, and proven company I have ever worked with. The right choice for any small or mid size business it provides an intuitive EPOS interface for sales staff with inventory and customer databases.

there are errors because of crystalreport version Here all the records are stored in the software.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is a Front End and Back End Database? so every time you have to update the stock of product having unique Stock ID

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After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it. The right choice for any small or mid size business it provides an intuitive EPOS interface for sales staff with inventory and customer databases. You may also like restaurant inventory examples.

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