Daniel was formerly a hard-right gutter-press hack on the Mail On Sunday.
Are you, perhaps, wearing a face mask which is hooked up to a canister of psychedelic gases, Nick?

[2] More than half of Gates' fortune is held in assets outside his holding of Microsoft shares. Perhaps I was deluded? Bowing to a gilded golden idol they helped to create and refusing to acknowledge the reality of the mere mortal who was mediocre and had only one real talent, making pretty speeches. The more they get paid for their cynical propaganda, the more they are likely to chuckle and wink about it all.
Whether he has been better than his predecessor is also debatable. The BBC too has allowed the Tel Aviv regime to dictate who can – and cannot – be local reporters. To take just one example, as a result of his and his subordinates’ actions, Ukraine is turning into a failed state with a police state apparatus operated by extremist Nazi-throwback groups (and possibly also providing a safe haven for jihadists on their way to Syria or Yemen). Are the sounds of the drums so strong that we now automatically fall into line and start marching without any questions being being asked?

And they swallow all the nonsense about the White Helmets in Aleppo, who don’t exist in Aleppo.

Forget the truth (Post-truthism rules, OK? The interview was in English and a transcript of it is available on La Repubblica’s website. Ideological sincerity is an attribute of the psychopathically selfish Right; it’s the “Liberals” (aka guilt-ridden conservatives) who can be twisted into self-contradicting knots of hypocritical convenience to satisfy whatever Master of the Moment. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cascade_Investment&oldid=962804357, Investment companies of the United States, Conglomerate companies of the United States, Financial services companies established in 1995, 1995 establishments in Washington (state), Privately held companies based in Washington (state), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. As another comment here implies, the paper has become pretty much unreadable for anyone with an education. The Guardian gave the US cables to the current New York Times. Is this incident now The Guardian’s “Hillsborough” moment? Guardian Civic Journalism Trust grants include: The Balnaves Foundation has provided a grant for in-depth reporting and educational activities on indigenous affairs over a period of three years.

Jones loves to wave his flag of principles for all the world to see, yet on an central issue like this, he remains meek, silent and adopts the posture of a cowering coward, when his own newspaper indulges in a barely concealed witchhunt. I don’t expect the Guardian to be a radical voice, or ‘leftwing’, or even liberal anymore. I think we all have to face the fact that the days when Washington Post reporters like Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein could uncover something like the Watergate scandal are now long gone. The article also claimed that Assange “has long had a close relationship with the Putin regime.” The Guardian later edited the story to delete this sentence, as well as the claim about “no need” for WikiLeaks to operate in Russia. When you cut so deeply through the onion (not the comedy site but the existential test pattern) that you get to the other side, then what…?