Paul Taylor of The Independent bemoaned: "She approaches an emotion with the finesse of someone beating a carpet" and that she "brings to it all the ripe professional stage experience that can be mustered from appearing in three movies". Cependant, ils se séparent à nouveau en février 2011[14]. [11] After graduating at 18, Miller obtained a modelling gig for a German commercial for soda pop,[11] and with the money she earned from it, she relocated in NYC and enrolled in a three-month course at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. [91] Later, as a core participant, she gave evidence to the Leveson Inquiry in November 2011,[92] including the following:[93]. Parallèlement, elle peut toujours compter sur le mannequinat : depuis juillet 2010, elle est le visage des parfums BOSS Orange et de BOSS Orange Sunset d'Hugo Boss[21].

En juillet 2016, l'actrice s'affiche au bras du réalisateur Bennett Miller. [26][27] She opted to take a hiatus from film projects for the next two years and work on theater instead. According to Celebrity Biographies – The Amazing Life Of Sienna Miller, she developed a "mischievous and rebellious side" when she became a teenager, often being "chastised" for smoking, drinking and flirting.

You've got a pack of men chasing a woman, and obviously that's a very intimidating situation to be in.

Miller attended Heathfield School, a boarding school in Ascot, Berkshire where she also used to act and play Lacrosse. [54] She went on to grace the covers of Vogue's American, British, Australian and Portuguese editions, as well as other international fashion magazines such as Nylon,[55] Marie Claire, and Porter Edit.

"I think if you put a camera in anyone's life and document it daily for six years, from the age of 21 to 27, there are going to be things that aren't always pretty".

[17], In The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (2008), a film adaptation of writer Michael Chabon's novel,[18] Miller played a woman romantically involved with a rebellious bisexual man.

The Guardian felt that the actress was "vocally channelling Edie Falco from The Sopranos",[52] and with a worldwide gross of US$50 million, the film emerged as a moderate commercial success. Le couple donne naissance à une petite fille, Marlowe, née le 7 juillet 2012.

PHOTOS – Charlene de Monaco en robe longue, Pauline Ducruet en costume, les plus beaux looks du Gala de Monaco. Joe was not well received by most critics,[24] but made US$302.5 million worldwide.

En décembre 2003, elle entame une relation avec l'acteur et réalisateur britannique, Jude Law, avec qui elle se fiance le 25 décembre 2004[5]. Mais finalement, elle se tourne d'abord vers le mannequinat. [59] Miller appeared as a guest at a Rome retro-styled dinner party in Gucci's Cruise 2020 campaign, which was directed and photographed by American film director Harmony Korine. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009), her first –and to date, only– mainstream Hollywood blockbuster. [84] They spent Christmas 2009 in Barbados, along with three of Law's children.

Son incarnation de Tippi Hedren lui vaut néanmoins quelques nominations, dont une aux BAFTA et aux Golden Globes. En mars 2011, elle devient la compagne de l'acteur britannique Tom Sturridge - avec qui elle se fiance en décembre 2011.