TV. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - What did Dana Loesch do to her face? But I am saying that you love the ratings." She is no exception. Violence is coming". [11] Loesch became disillusioned with the Democratic Party after the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal[12] and fully rejected it after the September 11 attacks. Captain, Mississippi Nat’l Guard (Retired) Joined Jan 2001; Posts 3940; EE Offline; MS, USA. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse. It paints liberals as liars and as violent, unruly protesters who law-abiding gun owners need protection from. Dana Eaton Loesch is an American political commentator and TV host. [19] In 2009, Loesch co-founded the St. Louis Tea Party along with its board president, Bill Hennessy. Now might be the right time to cancel your membership. She looks terrible! I found her show on, so I though I would see what she was talking about on her show. [13] Loesch started hosting her radio show in 2008; it became a nationally syndicated, daily program, The Dana Show: The Conservative Alternative, on Radio America from flagship station KFTK-FM in St. [30], On January 10, 2014, Loesch debuted her new daily TV Show, Dana, on Glenn Beck's TheBlaze TV. How in the hell can you be an ARFCOM member and not know who Dana Loesch is?? SanchoPanza. "[52], In February 2018, Loesch said at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, "Many in legacy media love mass shootings. Senator Chris Murphy (D, Ct.) said, "I think the NRA is telling people to shoot us. "[51] Press group Digital Content Next wrote a letter to Loesch in which it said, "Ninety-nine people out of a hundred would interpret this language about 'coming for' as threatening and to suggest otherwise is disingenuous at best and dangerous at worst. Loesch held the post of special assistant to the executive vice president for public communication with the National Rifle Association (NRA) from 2017 until June, 2019. "[50], After the second video received increased attention in August 2017, Michael Luo, the editor of, described the video as "strikingly bellicose even by the standards of the association. john316, Feb 24, 2018 #1. [59] Loesch subsequently lost her role as a paid spokesperson for the NRA. She is a former writer and editor for Breitbart News and the host of the program Dana on TheBlaze TV from 2014 to 2017. Yep, she's one of those mentally ill people that are afraid to naturally age. Jeff Cooper. So the hive says delete from spank bank?