But have you ever thought about taking that advice literally? There is always something more that I could be doing, and if I’m just sitting about, it won’t get done, right? At Lomond View, we believe that beauty is inspiring. Simply decide that now is the time you are going to take control and stand up for yourself and work to earn the life you deserve. Smell is the strongest of our senses and can cause immediate reactions as it is directly linked to our emotions. A UBC researcher says there’s truth to the idea that spending time outdoors is a direct line to happiness. We are not emphasizing on electrical energy here but physical energy that will improve your whole being. I felt better afterwards. On these mornings, I also make a point to set aside time for a two-and-a-half mile walk. Have you ever felt like no matter how much sleep you got, you were always exhausted? It can transform not only your life but the lives of everyone in the home with you as well.

For example you can cook more and save on your food and entertainment expenses, cancel any unwanted subscriptions or streaming services or for your electricity you could compare rates from companies like Entrust Energy to make sure you are getting the best rate. Hi, I’m Jocelyn, a happily married mum to two primary school-aged children. To make a rose oil, start with a clean glass mason jar (boil in water to sterilize), and add one part fresh rose petals (making sure your roses are grown without pesticides or herbicides) to two parts organic grapeseed oil. It’s my way of stepping away from the world. Learning to manage your finances not only helps you to your goal of financial freedom but it also helps alleviate the stress that comes with money issues.

The length of time your poinsettia will give you pleasure in your home is dependent on (1) the maturity... How to extend the life of your Christmas Tree: There are as many ideas out there about what to... Water levels are looking low this year, give your shrubs and trees an extra boost of moister by shoveling... Spring is here!

Or, you could celebrate the benefits of these beautiful flowers in the simplest, most natural way possible: lean over a fragrant, blooming rose, breathe deep and smile. The rose scent is one loved by many for generations, it comes in many different forms and brings with it memories that put a smile on our face. Budgeting may sound like a daunting task but the long term benefits are huge. By Petra Coach | In: Employee Health & Wellness. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. We’re hardly going to be the first people to ever suggest that you “stop and smell the roses.” To pretend that we invented the phrase would be positively LOL-worthy. Science confirms you should stop and smell the roses. It is sometimes diluted and taken internally, and offers antibacterial, antiviral and other properties, however, we highly recommend speaking to a natural health professional before going this route, and making sure the essential oil you have is pure and food grade if you do so. Debbie July 1, 2015. I never consider it a waste of time….Now housework….That’s one thing I do consider to be a total waste of time, but it’s something that has to be done. Tim recently posted…My girl. One of the most significant sources of aging outside of the sun, which can be defeated with sunscreen, is excessive stress chronically present in many of our lives. I hope you find a little more time for you, especially once Little Man starts nursery (which I hope his settling sessions have gone Ok for by the way.)

When used topically, this oil can also contribute to youthful, healthy skin and fade scarring. I’m not sure one is necessarily better than the other – in reality, I think we probably need to be able to work in both modes at times. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. More moments like this needed xx, Definitely. Your email address will not be published. Thank you x, Unless I’m asleep I can’t just stop. You have probably heard the expression “stop and smell the roses” many times before. A pleasant smell can reduce stress and lower the heart rate.

Posted Oct 13, 2017 A big problem with being a blogger is that you can never actually be finished. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. By Patty Wellborn on November 2, 2017. Rose essential oil is usually steam distilled from Damascus roses, which are considered to be the most fragrant. A forthcoming study in the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences suggests that appreciating the meaningful things and people in our lives may play an even larger role in our overall happiness than previously thought.