If you don’t accept the use of cookies, please change your browser settings so cookies from this website cannot be placed on your device. Since March, tasting rooms across the country and California, where 85% of the wine in the U.S. is produced, have closed or converted to outdoor venues to fit COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. ], [ By continuing to use this site, you consent to this. ], [ The food, beaches, and hiking couldn't have been better. Due to the cooler temperatures, you get lower yields, more tannic, fresher, concentrated wines that are usually the last area to complete harvesting. For example in Napa Valley today, you can roughly consider that Cabernet Sauvignon is planted to 20,000 acres, Merlot sees 5,000 acres, Pinot Noir has 3,000 acres of vines, there are 1,500 acres of Zinfandel and you find about 1,000 acres of Cabernet Franc. Leaf lettuce alone had an $840 million crop value last year, according to the 2019 Monterey County Crop Report.
For the white wine varietals, Chardonnay leads the way with 7,000 acres, followed by Sauvignon Blanc with 3,000 acres of vines. { ], [ "catentry_id" : "1263321",

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"Attributes" : { } ], [ Our website uses cookies to analyse traffic, personalise advertising and show you more of what you love. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience and personalise content. But those were for religious purposes. Their comments go further claiming his preference for ripe, bold styles killed the traditionally styled wines of yesteryear. Soils and climates vary substantially throughout California. As you can see, this is really a treasured region. "catentry_id" : "45031", { That is not the case today. The key to the best Californian wines is the proximity of any vineyard to the influence of the Pacific, which gives rise to the state's best wines. Sort. The US is the fourth largest producer of wines in the world, with the majority made in California. Plus, where California wine has the hardest time, is with low priced value wines.

Since April, U.S. wine sales dropped 17% compared to 2019 — a $2.7 billion decrease. "currentPrice" : "10.50", "The more significant issue for our industry, one that impacts us more than any impact by smoke exposure, is that we don't have the testing capacity to evaluate the effect of smoke on grapes," Stemler said. ‘I am very optimistic that we are going to come out of this nail-biter unscathed,’ said Dana Grande, grower relations manager at Jordan, who has spent the past three days inspecting vineyards in the Russian River Valley and also Alexander Valley. He and four other professors from Sonoma State recently collaborated on an article for the Wine Economics and Policy on the preparedness of the U.S. wine industry for unforeseen crises and disasters. In the good old days, perhaps 10 – 15 producers made good wine. However, Monterey County may have a chance because of its improved air quality. The industry took another hit this month as a series of lightning storms sparked massive wildfires in Northern California. It can easily be argued that California wine comes from the most interesting soils and terroirs for wine lovers, wine makers and wine growers alike. "Stronger companies get stronger.". These are grafted to hardy American rootstocks which are resistant to phylloxera. "catentry_id" : "1258822", "catentry_id" : "36502", Thanks to a small group of European emigrants, Napa and Sonoma got their start when Abraham Lincoln was President! Factors such as heat waves, water levels or smoke can negatively impact the quality of the year's yield even under normal circumstances. } "currentPrice" : "3.49",

"Attributes" : { } While it is legal, and due to increasing water shortages necessary to irrigate, there are several producers that also dry farm, allowing the vintage to express its character on a year by year basis. Two wineries have suffered damage, according to California’s Wine Institute. Consumers, though, may see their favorite bottle drop in price or disappear completely. Trade They are widely used to improve your experience of a website, gather reporting information and show relevant advertising. ], [ I am not sure why it’s so easy for vintners in most countries to make quality wines at value levels, but in California, that does not happen all that much. We have listings showing the characteristics of the perfect microclimates in Sonoma and the Anderson Valley. That year, Galante remembers thick smoke hanging in the air for nearly a month. "productName" : "Barefoot White Zinfandel",

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