Clausen Lozier also advises homeowners to ensure their insurance company inspects their home before they write the policy.

Third, adjust all your means to that end.” ~ Aristotle, 52. "The reason a policy would be cancelled is that the risk has changed substantially for the insurance company," says Gina Clausen Lozier, an attorney at Berger … Rewards and recognition not only motivates the team, it enhances the project manager’s leadership qualities too.

“A man may fall many times, but he won’t be a failure until he says that someone pushed him.” ~ Elmer Letterman, 79.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” ~ Henry Ford, 74. To consent for cookies to be used, click accept.

If there’s anything our experience of project management has taught us, it is that communication is far easier said than done, a fact these project management quotes illustrate: 62. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. Thanks for compiling. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” ~ Winston Churchill, 54. "The issue with lender-placed insurance is that it protects the mortgage company, but not the homeowner," Clausen Lozier says. 6. This article was originally published on April 17, 2018.

Let’s be confident and positive!” ~ Charles R. Swindoll, 118. “Goals are dreams with deadlines.” ~ Diana Scharf, 102. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” ~ Reverend Theodore Hesburgh, 39. “There are three essentials to leadership: humility, clarity and courage.”, 21. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. “You have to learn the rules of the game.

“Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome.” ~ John Kotter, 105. Insurance companies are required to notify homeowners in advance of when they plan to cancel a policy. However "credit along with a poor claims history might be used together to determine if an insurance company will provide coverage for you," Balsiger says. Here’s some inspiration on how: 123. “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. Time to wake up and get to work.” ~ Cornelius Fitchner, 70. “If you don’t know where you are going. Prahalad, 160. Money is being lost, but you don’t see it until there is an explosion.” ~ Joy Gumz, 77. “You may con a person into committing to an unreasonable deadline, but you cannot bully them into meeting it.” ~ Edwards, Butler, Hill, and Russell, 134. It's not uncommon to have a year where the insurance company loses money.". Having a plan on how to get things done is the foundation to delivering any project well. Depending on why your insurance was cancelled, you'll have several options to either reinstate your policy or find a new insurer. Planning is a key to success and happiness. This can include everything from exotic pets like a boa constrictor to certain dog breeds. I think ditching someone or making plans with someone else when you already have plans is one of the rudest things you can do.