Who is more complicated gender: men or women? It is awesome debate topic.As a boy hostel student,I want gentle man to our warden.But we a femalas warden.And really hostel is useless………………. Has nuclear energy destroyed our society? Do celebrities get away with more crime than non-celebrities?

Chinese style government is superior to western democracies.

And for that to happen, it is important that the topics go beyond the obvious. Is it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich? Are humans to blame for certain animal extinctions? This house would waive diplomatic immunity in instances of alleged Human Rights violations, This house would condition aid to developing countries on the repeal of anti-sodomy laws, This house would mandate labour union representation on the Board of Directors of companies, This house would ban transport and trade unions from having political affiliations, This house regrets the decline of communism. If you set criteria “The writer that looks like Shakespeare most” won’t really hold and won’t allow you to win even if you prove that you fulfil the criteria. “Now they can’t agree on how to solve it. ~ Should the death penalty be repealed?~ Is the law easier on celebrities?~ Should parental consent be made mandatory for underage pregnancy abortion?~ Are school uniforms a good or a bad idea?~ Recycling should be compulsory.~ God: myth or reality?~ Media censorship – a necessary change?~ Should the legal age allowing consumption of alcohol be raised?~ Should abortion be banned? Should smart phones be banned in schools? More often than not they need a more meaty subject to tickle their brains. Here are ideas on what to do and still win a debate: Tell us what do you think about these topics, and how your debate went in the comments! Put it up for debate, and use these topics to make your argument more productive. It helps improve your child's speech, social and leadership skills when they have to…. If you are looking for funny debatable topics, I’ve created a whole page full of funny debate motions, find it here. We are all trying to overcome our own challenges, so the art of debate and discussion can really help your class develop sensitivity and empathy towards topics they may not have contact with. High School Debate Topics. Hello, I’m Nick Dutch, a graduate in Psychology (Essex University – 1997.) This is one of the ultimate debatable topics. More and more kids are coming to school with smartphones. Guess who managed to pass at least their first year? The Big List of Persuasive Speech Topics For Students, Persuasive Speech Topics for Middle School, U.S. College Campuses with the Coolest Amenities, 3 Tips for Choosing Your Major in College, 3 First Week of College Tips You Need to Know, 5 Ways to Balance Academics and Social Life in College. Put it up for debate, and use these topics to make your argument more productive. 01/01/2018 26/12/2017 by The Moderator. “We have to end adolescence as a social experiment,” Newt Gingrich writes in BusinessWeek. For TEFL/ESL teachers the key is to bring real-world concerns into the classroom through debate.