You also have to create a one-machine “swarm” before being able to use the stack command, but that’

container_name: kafka What I’m trying to understand is has docker-swarm succeeded docker-compose and overlay networks is the new (recommended) way to connect containers?

Why was it introduced?

image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:5.2.1 That said, I hesitate to recommend Docker Swarm for production use cases because competing technologies like Kubernetes are arguably more fitting for this task.

Or are all containers in the compose file connected to each other via some other mechanism (other than networked) to be able to call processes in the other container and communicate? No, you must use networks. They can then reach each other with a built-in DNS entry based on service name (e.g., if the service you want to reach is called db, db should resolve to the service’s “virtual IP” within the container. The way you deploy your app using either Docker Swarm or Docker-Compose is very similar.

See how we created mynet and then assigned it to both services?

Setting it up or maintaining it not something you want to do, manually, so what you would do instead is install Docker and Docker-compose on your VPS, create a simple YAML file defining all the various aspects of your WordPress stack, like below, : Note: If you are using the below to deploy a WordPress site, please change all the passwords to something secure.

Since you have the persistent data stored in a Docker Volume, your website’s content won’t be lost.

(Note: service logs requires the --experimental flag to be set in the daemon). If your microservice is written in a way that it can scale ‘horizontally’ then you can use Docker Swarm to deploy your web app across multiple data centers and multiple regions.

You can’t build new images using the stack commands. This file has been truncated. It has to be the most recent one, which is 3 at the time of writing, while Docker Compose still can handle versions 2 and 3 without problems. They are all part of the Docker binary that you call via your terminal. They are both maintained by the same company, i.e, Docker, Inc. Docker Swarm is used to scale your web app across one or more servers. Kubernetes is supported natively across many cloud providers and it works quite well with Docker Containers so you don’t even have to rebuild your app to take advantage of Kubernetes. You still have to install docker-compose separately to use it with Docker on your machine. For your version 2 reliant projects, you’ll have

to bring up stacks of Docker containers, without having to install Docker Compose.