Cook, conversationalist, navigator, also, keeps my pants up.

I know I could do so much more but there's not many opportunities where I live. By the way, I was exactly where you are.

I don’t know how long. Like today, being belittled during training for a new job where I know I did little wrong and it made it worse because I stop up for myself. This page was last edited on 19 September 2020, at 05:58. Thank you all for sharing your stories. I have not driven in 6 years and two weeks ago found a way to get myself, my luggage and my wheelchair into my vehicle and off I went with no destination in mind.

For some reason, I always wonder which part of the country people are in. I wanted to keep going, farther into the desert, putting mile after mile between me and everyone else. I know once I am able I will not stop until I can breath again.

Perhaps you need to consider living alone if at all possible. Having just lost my father to a very fast rapid killing form of cancer (he died within 3 weeks of anyone knowing he had cancer at 73) I feel as though MY time left is short...I'm guessing 20 years max...I feel as though whats in front of me is the same endless stream of shit, stress, frustration etc. Isolated and sitting alone at the lunch table at school u knew that my childhood was over. It felt soft and secure in mine. So at the end of your life's journey, if you die, you die either of hunger or of cold. Why run? It's inside of me! Put on some good music on and GO!!

Ummm yea I saw that movie. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at 25. See what's around the corner! Simone.

Five minutes later I was going through my condo gates. The autofill came up with a few suggestions. I'm a mess and becoming unemployable. I also realized how vulnerable I really am all alone out there...but I don't think I can stop it. My wife was out and the father in law asleep, so I methodically packed a bag, camping gear, collected the credit card and drove away in my father in law's car. Im still here.. I want to simplify the hell out of my life.

I really want to run away and die. Once long ago I saw a guy living out of a camper in Northern New Mexico. I hope we can lift his spirit somehow. The new civilization would be hiking half the time. I was not able to go as far or stay away for the night because I had hurt myself trying to lift that heavy wheelchair. Let's think of other ways to get away. My father took me fishing one day. You should have keep driving. I truly feel your pain. I'm sooooo over the "American Dream".. I didn’t want to meet new people, carry on conversations, and overload my brain with information. The last thing I wanted to do was head home...but I did not have a choice. Please be well, and take care of yourself.

We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote. I'm tired. Too long.

I was subsequently hit and it shattered many bones in my body.

Just to pack my backs and leave everything behind me!! The desert environment is very conducive to eliciting feelings and thoughts that make us yearn to know more about our place in relation to the passing of time - you can't look at the sand and sky and rock formations without noticing that they've been there for eons and will remain long after we're gone.