Searches for a Scout Case based on its sScoutDescription. Does it make sense to apply for assistant professorship positions before Ph.D. graduation? We recommend that before you begin, you use the API to get the API version. "cols": ["ixProject", "ixPersonAssignedTo", "sTitle"], "There are too many bugs in these replicants", "", "", "sEvent": "This is the original text of the case created by the API. One of “none”, “read”, “write” or “admin”, The ID of the group for whom you are granting permission, The permission level you wish to grant. Set to 1 to return only community user groups.

Case data is not linked to profiles, so if someone on your team leaves, all the knowledge they shared and the decisions they've made are still available for future reference. This is a sample url ... python fogbugz fogbugz-api.

"token": "hgdhnaifireomcnrmslsh85mg69jg2", "", "", "", "", "". Have questions? BugzScout cases can be created and manipulated through the Manuscript API by passing sScoutDescription, sScoutMessage,and fScoutStopReporting to case activity commands such as cmd=new, cmd=edit, cmd=assign, cmd=reactivate and cmd=reopen. FogBugz XML API Developers Wiki; Kiln Developers Wiki . They must be sent with enctype=multipart/form-data, with one form-field per file, and one additional request form-field that contains the remaining JSON payload, e.g. POST, {"ixWikiPage": "2","token": "nqi9dvugilleed680nanjc0o3rc3iz"}, The details of the requested article (at the specified revision). When Milestone B depends on Milestone A, EBS will assume that all work assigned to all users in Milestone A must be completed before any work in Milestone B can be started. Kiln Developers Wiki. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. POST, {"ixPermissionGroup": 2,"token":"nqi9dvugilleed680nanjc0o3rc3iz"}, The list of members in the requested user group. 0 – FB_NOT_INITIALIZED1 – FB_NOT_PROPER_PASSWORD2 – FB_MULTIPLE_MATCHES3 – FB_NOT_LOGGED_ON4 – FB_API_ARGUMENT_REQUIRED5 – FB_NO_BUG_NUM6 – FB_API_ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED7 – FB_TIME_TRACKING_PROBLEM8 – FB_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_CASE9 – FB_CASE_HAS_CHANGED10 – FB_SEARCH_PROBLEM11 – SKIPPED_1112 – FB_WIKI_CREATION_PROBLEM13 – FB_API_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS14 – FB_WIKI_LOAD_ERROR15 – FB_TEMPLATE_ERROR16 – FB_WIKI_COMMIT_ERROR17 – FB_NO_SUCH_PROJECT18 – FB_NO_SUCH_USER19 – FB_AREA_CREATION_PROBLEM20 – FB_FIX_FOR_CREATION_PROBLEM21 – FB_PROJECT_CREATION_PROBLEM22 – FB_USER_CREATION_PROBLEM23 – FB_PROJECT_PERCENT_TIME_PROBLEM24 – FB_API_NO_SUCH_FIX_FOR25 – FB_VIOLATES_FIX_FOR_EXECUTION_ORDER26 – FB_UNKNOWN_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT27 – FB_API_NO_SUCH_COMMAND28 – FB_ACCOUNT_IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE29 – FB_TWO_FACTOR_ENABLED30 – FB_API_SEARCH_MAX31 – FB_API_NO_SUCH_HOLIDAY32 – FB_UNABLE_TO_PARSE_DATE33 – FB_API_PERMISSION_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS34 – FB_API_UNRECOGNIZED_ACL_SECTION35 – FB_API_UNRECOGNIZED_PERMISSION36 – FB_API_UNRECOGNIZED_PERMISSION_GROUP37 – FB_API_ERROR_WITH_RETROEDIT.

Case Status Wiki Kiln. POST, {token: nqi9dvugilleed680nanjc0o3rc3iz,ixTemplate": "3"}, The list of revisions for the given template. HTML you’d like to appear as the body of the case. Choose your path wisely. The FogBugz XML API allows you to use simply-formatted HTTP requests to perform custom actions and retrieve data from your FogBugz site. Start work on a specific case as the logged in user. fogbugz_bis is a fork of the FogCreek codebase to support Python 3 and List existing intervals, optionally limited by time period, person, or case number. The current and minimum-supported version of the API. If set, the results will only include areas from this project. Please choose the specific user you would like to log in as. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages. For example, if the current highest case number is 35, and you want the next case number to start at 5000, then you can run this command with the value of 5000. 0. votes. We created FogBugz for teams of 5 to 50 developers, and still follow this same direction, with optimized workflows to jump-start SMBs. IMPORTANT! Set to 1 to include unassignable milestones. "cols": ["ixBug", "sTitle", "sPersonAssignedTo"], "". This new puzzle type needs a name {EXTREME EDITION}. Details about the areas in Manuscript. Adding Pages to FogBugz.

1answer 446 views Exporting case details from FogBugz. Currently alpha status yet usable. Getting Started: To use the FogBugz API, install the package either by downloading the source and running $ python install. BugzScout cases can be created through both the API and the dedicated BugzScout API. The parameter should be a comma-separated list of column names (e.g.. For the sake of space, the sample includes only one category. POST, {"token":"nqi9dvugilleed680nanjc0o3rc3iz"}, POST, {"ixMailbox": "1","token":"nqi9dvugilleed680nanjc0o3rc3iz"}. If you’d like to expire a token you can do so by calling the logoff endpoint.

This endpoint allows you to create a new wiki article. FogBugz Development. POST, {"ixFixFor": "8","ixFixForDependsOn": "9",token: "nt8sccegg8d2jc4nd5evp324jj29du"}. — this is the equivalent of a failed attempt to log in through the interface.