For typos sure, but this capability could clearly be abused by a clever revisionist trying to hide their tracks. Use the option to install the Management and Replication option. Use a script to stop all FRP... services on the remote server. For older installations use the appropriate instructions found elsewhere on this page.

I didn’t get a lot of suggestions, so I opted to start with something that I’ve needed for my team. Your previously existing jobs will be in the jobs window,  each job should initialize (may take from seconds to many minutes if they are large) then kick off a replication to check for changes.

(Details). But it's necessary that you do so. Last modified on 10/14/2016 1:23 PM

Wait 5 minutes. Problem Solving 101: First, Understand the Problem, New FogBugz 7 Plug-in Enables You to Erase History, Joel’s dogma on the way bug tracking should work, How to diff two folders from a Windows command prompt, Replacing multiple spaces in a string with a single space in SQL, Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B, 5 Best Practices for Commenting Your Code, The Code Sample (The Programmer's Guide to Getting Hired).

Stop all FRP services, wait 5 minutes. See ** NOTES for Other OSes below

Install the new version The console install command line is: frpro.exe -i console, have a script run to stop all FRP... services. This is the easiest way to install FogBugzPy. There are several ways to upgrade FRP depending on what version you currently are running. Step by step instructions for upgrading version 6.3.0 and later to Version 6.5.0  These instructions will preserve your server list, settings, license keys and jobs. See ** NOTES for Other OSes below

Use the script to backup the following files in \FileReplicationPro\etc\  Install the same exact version of FRP Replication only service on all other machines.

You can install from the terminal using the command  ./path/to/ --mode text You can install from the terminal using the command  ./path/to/ --mode text   Do not permit the installer to start FRP but finish the installer then REBOOT the OSX server. For older installations use the appropriate instructions found elsewhere on this page. After backing up the /etc folder and having waited at least 10 minutes after stopping the FRP services,  Run the installer for the 64 bit program using the same steps as used to install the 32 bit program. $ ./frpro.bin -i console      or, Or for a command line install
At the end of the installer, be sure to leave the box checked that adds Mercurial to your path. -------  End of Major Upgrade instructions ---------------------------.
Friday, July 31, 2015 12:35 PM See note below if upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit FRP. In this case you will need to follow the steps below for Upgrade When skipping versions in section 2 below. OSX Yosemite virtual and headless machines will require installation using the terminal based non - GUI method.