Register Here & Win Swags, Want to Become A Full Stack Developer? 3 pieces of information are required in order to use this provider: This is pretty much all that’s needed to get our C# code ready. Do we need to concern ourselves with any of the 3 pieces of information described above (permissions, access tokens, session) while testing in Graph Explorer ? Join the Office 365 Developer Program. Q: What other APIs are there to interact with Excel files stored in Sharepoint Online ?A: There’s CSOM, but that’s not supported by .NET Core for now. The .xls extension workbooks are not supported.“. What we’d like to see first is whether Microsoft Graph can be used for our goal, and if so, what are the REST calls required to get to the data we’re after. With Graph Explorer, you’re using a specific user to authenticate. To create a custom list with the custom columns, alter the Request body in the below format. Back to our app, make sure File.ReadWrite.All application permissions are granted to the Microsoft Graph API, and that admin consent is supplied too. Within the documentation, C# snippets are sometimes shown and sometimes they’re not (eg this link doesn’t show them, but others do, such as this one, yet the code doesn’t compile, for the reasons mentioned previously. The final permissions are below: Let’s move on now closer to the equivalent C# code.
Use Fiddler to extract the OAuth token you’re leveraging in order to understand what permissions does Azure know that your app has. At this stage we’re ready to put our code together. Keep in mind that some things for Microsoft Graph are still in preview, and some – even though documented in a way, don’t quite work as intended yet. Note the driveItemId of the Excel document returned in the 3rd picture below. For the latter, Fiddler can be used. You then need to specify the columns where data resides, sort order, as well as labels for the axis.
After navigation to the SharePoint site in a browser; we can view the newly created list “GraphList” present under the site. Returns the metadata for an item in a list.. Permissions. Note that the Graph client will handle the underlying complexity for us, meaning we won’t be concerned with either retrieving an access token from Azure nor how to use this explicitly to call Microsoft Graph. However I’m not aware of a way to use it for drives and their contents. If, we want to create a new list with columns, send the request body as. You can optionally transition back to addressing the resource model by putting another colon at the end. ( Log Out /  The documentation here is quite clear about this: “The Excel REST API supports only Office Open XML file formatted workbooks. Even though I have access to a specific file in a specific Sharepoint Online document library, Graph Explorer returns “403 Forbidden”. Resources expose data in three different ways: You can expand references in your URL with the expand query parameter; for example, ?expand=fields. Microsoft Graph allows your app to create sharing links, add permissions and send invitations to items in a drive. The expected result (as in figure 2) is below: Updating the cell’s content uses the same exact URL, but instead of GET we’ll issue PATCH, and we’ll also specify the payload containing the new content of our target cell. The above request will create a SharePoint list called ‘GraphList’ with two additional custom columns (service as a Single line of Text and AppCount as Number). We’ll be interested in the “Excel” and the “Sharepoint Sites” categories, as they’ll serve as a … This is why one has to amend permissions within Graph Explorer. Luckily there is currently quite some documentation around Microsoft Graph.