Alike World Health Day, which aims to provide universal health care for all, Akshaya Patra intends to give every child a healthy start to life by providing wholesome and nutrition-rich mid-day meals. Ever since the inception of World Health Day, the World Health Organization has been organizing various local and international events to celebrate this day.

The NGO in India, Akshaya Patra also serves nutritious food to 3 to 6 years old children, pregnant women and lactating mothers in Anganwadi centres – a step to provide a healthy foundation during the critical stages of growth. Short stories to emphasize the importance of health are published in newspapers. Fun activities are organized and the students are especially made aware about the importance of indulging in outdoor games and avoiding mobile or computer games. It is a day observed worldwide by government and non-government health organizations focusing on promoting healthier living habits that increase the life expectancy of people around the world.

Then you can download all that contact information for your own records. It is the assembly that constitutes of health ministers of its 194 member states.

It is a day to spread awareness about the importance of health. Different innovative World Health Day activities are held for this purpose on this day. Get plenty of exercise – it helps you physically and mentally – both at work and at home. If you just want to organize a quick promotion, then one of the most popular World Health Day campaign ideas is a giveaway.

Food Safety (2015): The cases of food poisoning have been increasing worldwide.

Contact by email or call Janis directly @ (604) 731-2073. By way of the activities held on World Health Day people are made aware about various diseases and the ways to avoid/ handle them. Thus, by implementing the Mid-Day Meal Programme and Anganwadi Feeding Programme, Akshaya Patra is laying a healthy and strong foundation for growing children thereby contributing to the theme of World Health Day: “Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere.”. It was in 1948 that the World Health Organization (WHO) organized the first World Health Assembly. Donating for Tax Exemption – Will it Help The Society? These days, people take to social media to discuss the importance of and ensuring good health in this fast paced life. #72, 3rd Floor, 3rd Main Road, 1st & 2nd Stage Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession. A specific mosquito species in the Americas puts 21 countries at risk for malaria. All the member states agreed that it was a good idea and 7th April was declared as the World Health Day. Be a Health Champion by gifting them the everlasting goodness of nutrition. google_ad_slot = "1982849078"; Various activities organized on this day aimed at making people aware about how they can contribute towards lowering global warming. Hospitals organize special health care camps on this day. This is the root cause of various diseases. Where there is a will there is a way essay. Mid-Day Meal – Adding Value to Health & Education, Incorporating Charity in Your Everyday Life. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6070398767421094"; There are organized activities, pledges and support plans such as conferences for health workers, briefings for local politicians, informational displays for children and young people, public marches and demonstrations, as well as free or easy access to medical tests.

Share gifts and experiences to celebrate World Health Day. Many of these diseases spread like epidemics and create panic all around. World Health Day Celebrations: Emphasize on Good Health. window._taboola = window._taboola || []; World Health Day is used to celebrate on the 7th April in the year 1950 for making the people aware of the Health activities to fulfill their tasks accurately without any Health problem.. By way of various events and activities, these institutions and organizations send out the message that health comes first. Students actively participate in these events. The visible improvement in health and performance of our beneficiary children in school activities are a testimony of the quality food served to them regularly. Thanks to that year’s efforts, the level of polio awareness has risen considerably and now in many parts of the world people are freed from this dreaded disease. This creates panic among people and the media adds fuel to this fear. This is indeed a great initiative by the World Health Organization. container: 'taboola-right-rail-thumbnails', In an effort to promote and instill health around the globe, the World Health Organization (WHO) is celebrates its annual World Health Day on April 7.