Thanks for the suggestion, I installed Teams client and there is an option to make teams your default and the registry setting change from Lync to Teams...resetting that option corrected the issue. Tried GFX driver from pc manufactor, Windows update and also GFX provider without any help. We’re sorry. Fire_OnContactInformationChanged , but not work. Start, Run, type Regedit press OK I made a test with Outlook and Skype, if I change the statue in Skype, my contacts in Outlook will We use Office 2016/365 and are using Skype UC (VOIP and IM). Yes, I have written test application in order to check presence statuses … I will check later.     1. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. Presence indicators will also appear for others in the email you are viewing. The Jabber UI was lousy anyway, and we're going to investigate Skype click-to-dial options instead. With the out of office marker though, it shows just in your summary in the contact list. The question is how to force Outlook to read contact information. I currently have the same issue and with almost identical implementation... did you manage to solve it? I am not familiar with IM Provider, if there is anything wrong in my post, please feel free to let me know. some of our users are experiencing issue with missing presence icon on the left side: They do not see this icon, only user name. Anyone have any ideas as to something that could be done? Hi Off2work, Sorry for the thread archaeology, but I'm trying to find an answer to the exact same question as described above and haven't seen it answered anywhere else that I can find.

Opened Microsoft Teams again and it was broken again. Thank you for your question.

Yes, I know that it works, and I am trying to do the same by my application but I don't know how. but not any other addressees or when authoring an email, however, indicator does show up when you hover over name and get contact card. Hi Jim, it was checked and have tried to uncheck,restart outlook, re-check and restart Outlook but same issue. It is also called Presence. If you set HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers with your own IM provider, and you change status in Skype, will it update in Outlook? The content you requested has been removed. Without this first step, the next step is overwritten on every startup. Jabber is so old now that even my only contract that was still using it has given up and is migrating to TEAMS for everything. Yes, I know that it works, and I am trying to do the same by my application but I don't know how. Thank you. Regarding this for this purpose it is required to use _IContactEvents interface. But if Skype implements the same interface and everything works I think it means that there should methods. Select your current availability. In the IM Providers key, you’ll see a value called DefaultIMApp. Yes, I have written test application in order to check presence statuses update, contact related classes looks like In Mitel, go to Settings > General > Chat Options, and turn OFF “Register as default IM Provider”. >> Do you mean OnContactInformationChanged raised when you change contact statue in IM?

Then restart Outlook. Now it does it only one time. Monday, September 11, 2017 6:06 PM