Stores in areas like the UK, Ireland, and Australia are all Aldi Sud, while you're shopping at Aldi Nord if you go into France or Poland. Never reneged, never will. Not bad! Both Koreas had come a long way, emerging from colonial rule and rebuilding their economies after a devastating civil war. Maybe they’ve never burned a cross, but they don’t want black children in their schools or neighborhood. Full stop. The Northeast was the only region where the number of segregated schools has increased since 1968. no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. There's a line that runs across Germany — known as the "Aldi equator" — and Theo took the north while Karl took the south. In November 2010, The Food Channel reported that hundreds of Aldi stores across Germany were creating major controversy. Kim Jong-un, the North’s leader, is a veritable recluse who has alienated much of the international community. Virtually all of North Korea’s early success – including its subway system – as well as its later misfortunes can be attributed to the country’s ruling family, the Kims. 835 likes. It may be that the legacy of Jim Crow, segregation and slave owning may still linger in some people’s memories.

Aldi isn't very forthcoming about things like staffing and business practices, so most information is from former employees. Now more than ever, we're aware of the additives in our foods, and in 2015 Aldi announced they would no longer manufacture or sell products with questionable ingredients. If everyone in South Carolina (No. Almost every education ranking shows it. They didn't make the announcement until after they'd already done it. Instead of having employees spend time opening boxes and putting individual product on shelves, they open the box and put that on the shelf — saving hours and, in turn, wages. None of it came from Breitbart or some unknown Wordpress site. For example, Arkansas and Florida both have a black/white ratio of imprisonment considerably below the national average of 5.1:1 (3.8:1 and 3.6:1, respectively). There may be a number of reasons. Aldi hasn't always had the best reputation as an American grocery option. I think that is the same excuse reportedly used by Roy Moore to justify harassing underage girls. Instead, I analyzed 2016’s fourth-quarter employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Current Population Survey, as presented by the Economic Policy Institute, to determine the difference between the South’s black employment statistics and white job numbers. In Forbes magazine’s 2015 list of the cities where blacks are doing the best economically, Southern cities made up 13 of the 15 on the list. The median incomes for Southern whites and Southern blacks in 2016 were $58,209 and $38,601, respectively. So nationally, blacks earned about 63 cents for every dollar that whites earned, but in the South, blacks earned about 66 cents per white dollar.