0000008056 00000 n I pray that we are served a Paul on Fridays, for should that not come to pass, the Saturday Prize shall be his. Required fields are marked *. All fun nonetheless, thanks Q&A. I found this one quite straightforward, with only one parsing holding me up. Arable is ploughed land ,usually, for crops. I enjoy Mr H’s crosswords and am glad to see him once a week but would prefer more variety in the Prizes. Guardian 28,105 Answer Question >> Latest Posts. I thought this was a delightful puzzle: 27/28a, and 7dn were laugh out loud. However, that wouldn’t work with 26. 0000027810 00000 n ‘… …’ used to have real value, but it seems to have lost that. Putting two Ss around it could mean ‘goes’. “extraordinary” was very clever though – a pity I had the crossers and the answer was obvious by the time I looked at it, so I was denied the pleasure of puzzling over it! never heard of arch as meaning mischievous before. Jokes 2 mins ago. COTD MOORE ( and yes i did briefly flirt with Rodin as the answer but could not see the anagrind).

0000002563 00000 n Not Qaos at his most devious but still very enjoyable. Not less enjoyable, but certainly less head-scratching than Qaos of old. 0000041856 00000 n Penny gives the P, then a 2-letter word for "excited" around partner's "bottom", then "love", then incomplete "sex". Thank you Qaos for an enjoyable puzzle and Andrew for a helpful blog. I’m another who wondered about RODIN. 0000006413 00000 n One short for me having not heard of liver rot – I suspected liver something but couldn’t get there from a tricky (for me) cryptic (does upset normally mean reversal in an across clue? So for me an entirely apposite clue.

Thanks also to Andrew for the parsing of FISHERS and MOORE (yes, both excellent now that I see them). Whilst ‘going south’ and ‘going backwards’ can both figuratively mean ‘heading for a worse condition’, that doesn’t make ‘going south’ synonymous with literally going backwards (‘backwards’ is fine in a down clue btw, OED has “In the direction from which one has come, towards the place of starting, in the opposite direction from that in which one has advanced”).

The therapist should respond to you by email, although we recommend that you follow up with a phone call. Thank goodness for MOORE which, as the only clue I couldn’t parse, was my reason for visiting this page this morning. If you can’t find the email from membership@chamberofcommerce.com in your inbox, check your “Junk” folder. I only saw a couple of the AB’s so no help at all. I've got -E-I-H ---E Any help for a first-timer appreciated. Quizzes & Puzzles 13 mins ago. You can skip to the end and leave a response.

1 to 5 of 5. – on my print-out. Subscribe; Report ⚑ 4 down 9 6 strange how he let Mrs sit back on chair for painting 5 down 3 4 4 4 Bond that's top secret Saga Crossword Chats The Biggie. Your email address will not be published. 0000020263 00000 n I too got caught out à la Lord Jim above so NW last to complete. Make sure to check your junk folder! Your email address will not be published. I realise now that I’ve dance is an aspect of figure skating, Enjoyed it too.