Pulse the cookies in a food processor to fine crumbs. Easy OREO Truffles 1 …

Modified: Sep 28, 2020 by Cassie. Once you have chosen your Oreo variety (double stuf for me), they need to be crushed. I'm Cassie! Place the tray back into the fridge to let the balls set (approx. Immediately decorate each chocolate-coated ball with sprinkles or other edible decorations of your choice. I like to sprinkle the peppermint ones with crushed candy canes to give an indication of the flavor inside. There are SO many different ways to make these Oreo balls fun and festive for any occasion! Originally published July 5, 2020 2 Comments. That's what I would do (I type while stuffing my face with my fourth oreo ball of the day). You bet. With just 3 ingredients, anyone can make an impressive, delicious treat that everybody loves! Melt the chocolate mixtures one at a time, stirring occasionally, over a double boiler until smooth. This can also be done with a hand mixer or stand mixer. Follow this simple tutorial for the best ever Oreo truffles! Return to the refrigerator to set, about 5 minutes.
Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Here are some commonly asked questions about making this Oreo balls recipe. Repeat until all the balls are covered in chocolate, then sprinkle over your choice of toppings. Click here to read more >>. Or just keep the oreo balls all to yourself - I won't judge!

Process until fine crumbs form. There are really only 3 ingredients for making Oreo truffles. Continue until all the Oreo mixture is used. Oreos are one of my favorite! This is a major hit at my house! Use a fork to dip each oreo ball into the chocolate, allowing the excess chocolate to run off before placing back onto the baking tray. If desired, sprinkle with crushed Oreos, sprinkles, etc. You can also add toppings to the Oreo truffles immediately after dipping in chocolate before it hardens. A perfect summer treat and sure to be the star of your Christmas dessert platter.
Ways, Do Not Sell My Personal Information – CA Residents, 1 package (8 ounces) package cream cheese, softened, 2 packages (16 ounces) chocolate melting wafers, Additional decorations (sprinkles, cookie crumbs. © 2020 Discovery or its subsidiaries and affiliates. They are so easy it's silly. I really do love using Ghiradelli melting wafers for these Oreo balls. Just be sure to store them in an airtight freezer-safe container. Refrigerate until firm (approx. Place Oreo cookies in a food processor. Add 1 softened package of cream cheese and pulse until combined. Oreo Balls are a kind of choose your own adventure situation. Remove 2 tablespoons crumbs to a small bowl and reserve. Add the crushed Oreos to the mixing bowl and beat until combined. These Oreo cookie balls are best when served at room temperature. Oreo Truffles are great to bring to parties or perfect gifts around the holidays. These Oreo Truffles are a great no-bake treat to make in the summer, or as a quick and easy addition to your Christmas cookie platters (like these no bake chocolate peanut butter bars and these chocolate peanut butter balls) in December. This is a fun way to let the kids help, although it takes longer and is significantly messier! If you plan to decorate with more chocolate, let the first coat set before drizzling with additional melted chocolate. Don’t miss this secret for the smoothest melted chocolate. Add sprinkles to the top for extra flair! Roll the mixture into small even-sized balls and place onto a baking tray covered with parchment paper. I love the mixture of the cream and the cookies in Oreos. It's the most wonderful time of the year! Your email address will not be published. Pour oreo crumbs into a bowl along with the cream cheese and use your hands to mix both together until well combined. They're fun to decorate with cookie crumbs or sprinkles, depending on the occasion. You can use one type of chocolate for dipping or two. Love easy treats? Make sure your cream cheese is soft. Once all of the balls have been dipped in the chocolate, you can reheat any remaining chocolate and transfer to a ziploc bag bag. These Oreo truffles are so easy to make, but as always, we’ll walk through the process step-by-step to ensure your success. These are so simple and oh-so-good! etc. No problem. Of course you don't have to make them for gifts. Copyright © 2019 Cook It Real Good. Your email address will not be published. Find playfulness and joy in these unique gifts from our one stop shop for all things OREO. ), Cream cheese (softened to room temperature for easier mixing).