Benefits of internal email tracking for internal communications: With ContactMonkey, you don’t need an external web application (like Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor) to track employee newsletters. How Stackers ditched the wiki and migrated to Articles, Hot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…, Goodbye, Prettify. You’ll be able to see all of the responses live in real time on your ContactMonkey dashboard. Our tool allows you to add emoji reactions, pulse surveys, and like buttons to the content in your internal emails by simply dragging the respective block anywhere you want in a pre-built or new HTML template. Checking email snooping. rev 2020.9.28.37683, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Server Fault works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. On the flip side, if there are links that aren’t getting a high rate of employee engagement, you can drop them going forward, and avoid sharing similar content. Bank of America is not responsible for user posts and other user content appearing on this website and does not endorse or guarantee the perspectives, the advice, the users, the businesses, or the products or services sold by any users or businesses that appear on this website. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. Which employee feedback feature is your favourite? To do that you'll need to be at their PC, logged in as that person. ContactMonkey’s internal communications tool is perfect for all of the above teams to use, especially if they’re primarily focused on using email to send out internal messages. Transform your employee emails into an interactive two-way channel with elements like pulse surveys, social reactions, and star ratings. I am looking for advice on if this is even possible. At present, they are averaging a 70% open rate on their internal communications since making the switch.

Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter, Outlook IMAP Sent messages in wrong folder, Deleting emails from an Outlook client connecting to POP mailbox, Random emails not in Outlook but in OWA Outlook 2010 Exchange 2010, Problems saving encrypted emails from Outlook into Document Management System, Forwarded emails disappear from Outlook 365 server, Outlook forwarding in shared mailbox deletes emails, Outlook for Mac - Messages in Sent Not Actually Sent, Putting two prepositions next to each other, Checking target legality (esp for removal). A high click-through rate tells you that the content you’re sending out is relevant. Now, you can incorporate employee surveys or simply add one question to your newsletters using your, As implied earlier, there are countless key metrics that an organization can choose to pay attention to. He knows what he is doing and also has several friends that are employed as pen testers, hackers, etc. Pulse surveys come in two styles within ContactMonkey: Your employees are already ‘liking’ content on all the social media platforms they use on their own time. href=”″ >. Monitoring emails sent from Outlook. What do you call double consonants that are not affricates? Yes, it's possible via Outlook inbox rules. Cody great article.

Below are a few of the most common key internal email tracking metrics that your communications team need to start tracking: Email opens let you know whether people are being informed and in the know of important company announcements.