“This means that it’s the biggest agricultural catastrophe in the history of the municipality,” said Mayor Porfirio Mendoza, noting that 4,000 families have lost their harvest this year. One of the key difference in preparation is the involvement of the federal govt and the non involvement of the PH national govt. Another woman was hurt and was hospitalized with a back injury, reported Fox News Latino. © 2020 Quartz Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I will have to disagree with you regarding the non evacuation here in the Philippines specially for Tacloban city. The hurricane also had a very small inner core, Kerry Emanuel, a professor of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told Quartz.

This would be a pretty common event in any tropical storm. Hurricane Patricia threatened to devastate southwestern Mexico as it barreled towards the coast at 200 miles an hour—the strongest storm ever recorded in the western hemisphere. How inconsiderate not to have killed more and devastated many more lives besides. Please be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our Community Guidelines. But the category 5 hurricane, which made landfall the evening of Oct. 23, was a mere tropical storm by the following morning. 3) Although damage to plantations is mentioned, most appears to be caused by rainfall destroying or spoiling crops. “The waves were coming into the hotel,” said Domingo Hernandez, a watchman at the Barra de Navidad in the resort village of the same name in Jalisco state. Seems the only records Patricia broke, is for amount of hype & misinformation/ lies generated. However, Patricia’s ferocious core was relatively small, with hurricane force winds extending only 35 miles (55km) from the centre, the Hurricane Centre said. Although the Mexican government has been credited with preventing serious damage through timely alerts to populations that could be affected by the hurricane, that wasn’t the case in Arroyo Seco, a small community in the municipality of La Huerta, Jalisco. Here, 5,600 hectares of banana plantations have been affected, and 1,200 hectares of papaya destroyed. These are the core obsessions that drive our newsroom—defining topics of seismic importance to the global economy. These are some of our most ambitious editorial projects. Ahead of the storm, tens of thousands of residents of small coastal villages were evacuated to safe shelters. A category 5 hurricane responsible for over 1,200 deaths and thousands of injuries. Tens of thousands of residents and tourists along the coast and beyond were evacuated to improvised shelters as the storm advanced. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Residents of Las Juntas, a village where the Ameca and Mascota rivers meet about six miles from Puerto Vallarta, were being evacuated on 24 October after a rapid rise in water levels overnight caused flooding, emergency services spokeswoman Veronica Diaz said. Of course, the amazing amount of coverage that the UK media gave the storm during its build-up was not exactly matched by the amount of reporting in the aftermath. 1 of them along real street which is by the sea. Meteorological analysis has shown that wind speeds reached the 200 mph mark. You are correct to assume that some people dont leave for fear of looting. So why did a lot of people die if they evacuated? Other evacuation sites are public schools. Others offered a different theory as to why the death toll wasn’t higher. By Tim Marcin On 9/14/18 at 3:01 PM EDT Share. “We had no major damage,” he said. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more. We get hit by storm often and part of our population evacuates even without notice form the government. Why did Patricia not cause the same ravages in Mexico? Steve Goddard agrees with you
Start your Independent Premium subscription today. 2 of them are inside downtown area which storm surges rose to at least 3m.