I will mix some of the allowed fruits on the cereal. Your creatinine level generally tells you if your kidneys are functioning properly.

I live in Surrey Canada, and my Creatinine level is 204.

I would like to be have details of how to manage stage 3 c.k.d. However, what this healthy sounding variety doesn’t include is any more fiber than Original Cheerios. I don’t know if they canceled them or not…… I even could not get my Medical record from my old Dr. from the clinic, the Nurse told me I had to go to the main Hosp. If you are doing 50 grams of protein in a day that is a lower protein diet. Overall the renal diet is very individualized, so specific foods and instructions will depend on your blood results and what your doctor recommends. Ideas for a Kidney-Friendly Labor Day Barbecue, Click here to find videos and additional resources, http://www.davita.com/kidney-disease/diet-and-nutrition/diet%20basics/potassium-and-chronic-kidney-disease/e/5308, https://www.davita.com/landing/eat-smart/index.cfm, https://www.davita.com/services/find-a-kidney-education-class/, Dealing with Appetite Problems for Dialysis Patients, Tips for Kidney Patients to Improve Appetite. 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal is acceptable. Cheerios contain only 100 calories per serving and 3 grams of fiber. Links will not be permitted. Since that time My GFR has been ranging between 44 & 57, According to the information I have read, I am allowed 1/2 glass of milk per day. If, possible i would appreciate the link. Cooking a few tablespoons of oatmeal is a complete waste of time.
Unfortunately the dietitian service promoted on DaVita.com has been discontinued. Oats. In stage 3 CKD whole grain breads are not restricted, so choose a healthy bread you like.

How bad is chicken breast for a meat, I am in the 4th stage? My feet were swollen and I was overweight so I thought it was just from being fat so I told my family doctor that breathing bothered me sometimes so he took my blood pressure and it was 130/80 then he told me to stop taking my pill (40 mg. lisonopril) —– 4 days later I called him and told him I was getting some small headaches and that I thought I needed the pill back then he told me to cut in half —– I went to the nephrologist appointment and my blood pressure was 180/115 and the specialist told me to take water pills ——- took for maybe 2 weeks and it worked great, my legs were 95% better then I started to get blurry vision so he told me to stop the water pill immediately so he adjusted my meds to taking 1 20mg lisinopril in morning and a new blood pressure pill 12 hrs.