Please note: I have only made the recipe as written, and cannot give advice or predict what will happen if you change something. I love that popcorn bag trick! I have calculated the macros based on this mix. Store in an airtight container for up to 5 days. The cheese added next helps with that. For convenience and flavor, buying prepared mix was well worth the 99 cents. Parmesan Ranch Snack Mix is a crunchy, satisfying, and addictive snack that is perfect for any party.

This also freezes well to stay fresh longer. Jan 22, 2020 - This quick and easy no-bake snack mix is perfect for parties or potlucks--just microwave a seasoned oil blend and pour it over the crunchy snacks.
I was looking for Some quick snack ideas and Came across this recipe.

Having it appear that I was on my feet for long hours and slaving away in the kitchen may help my chances of securing an extra long back rub or foot massage.,, 1 one-ounce packet ranch dip seasoning mix powder (I use, 4 cups popcorn, popped (2 to 3 tablespoons unpopped kernels), 3 1/2 cups pretzels (waffle-style pretzels recommended, I use, 3/4 cup peanuts, almonds, cashews, or favorite nuts or mixed nuts, optional. You have such an eye.

If you are using coconut oil though, just make sure it’s solid at room temperature. It’s really similar to those abc bars you told me you loved a couple months ago. I love mixing up all the sweet treats with a savory one! This is too funny. Next time I'll toss them in at the end after the other stuff has absorbed the homemade seasoning. If you don’t have ranch mix, most any type of prepared powdered salad dressing or dip mix will work. originally published December 13, 2012 — last updated June 4, 2020 Thanks…. Feel free to mix-and-match the dry ingredients based on what you have and enjoy. Okay, I made this last weekend and on a scale of one to five, must give it a six. You can grease it slightly to help the paper stick if needed. Regardless, microwave versions are nice! Not today. I also had leftover peanuts from the Peanut Chewy Payday Bars, and if I would have had cashews or Rosemary Chipotle Almonds, I would have included them.

Dash(R) Table Blend, if preferred. Ok I better stop b/c I’m making myself very hungry now and it’s way to early in the morning to be eating! Canned is fine. There are many “accidentally” vegan ranch dip mixes, and it would be excellent with nutritional yeast instead of parmesan. Looks really yummy! Can easily be doubled. Where, exactly, at Target did you find the marshmallow bits?

I store mine in the freezer with baking paper in between and they are perfect every time. Advertisements fund this website. Now, I’m concocting some more combinations in my head. I’ll have to give this a try! I may add some wasabi peas to my next batch. pretty sure this is the exact recipe we use. I know some other Aussie Keto bloggers are pretty excited, like Megan at Mad Creations – she has been pumping out some amazing looking Sukrin based recipes. While I have about a trillion other s’mores ideas, my peanut butter cups are getting jealous. I have that problem with snack mixes. Does the parmesan need to be fresh grated or will the canned parmesan work? I'm so glad you've found my site! I have that problem with snack mixes.