clearing ALL in Credentials for Windows in Controlpanel cleared the issue with blank window. We're having a very similar issue "globally" for the last week or so. This issue has been around for several months, and MS has updated this article frequently to adapt to new findings of the symptoms and their solutions. Visit the dedicated We have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling office, clearing out cached credentials, making sure that a proxy is not being used, reseting Clearing the O365 credentials resolved it. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity\EnableADAL. All of those native applications on phones use this modern auth method. Anyone? When I type in my username or login and click next to sign in to my account the next box which should normally be putting in a password just goes blank or as in this case a white box. I was advised to do an online repair once the patch goes through and that will resolve the problem.

After a repair install of Windows 7 (here, needed to repair Office 365 (second repair option required) as no Office app would start.Office fixed, would not activate (blank screen after 'sign-in' and entering email). Teilen Sie sie mit anderen, und arbeiten Sie gleichzeitig mit anderen daran. I usually remove their Outlook profile and create it again which usually fixes it but sometimes I remove their windows profile and create it again. They responded stating that they have a service interruption. The program recognized my account on the account page in Excel for example so it has my email address but when I attempt to sign in to office to "get my documents from anywhere" and other features I get an error as displayed in the attachment. Unable to sign in to Office through Microsoft excel or word 2016 Hello everyone. I had checked the service status when making this post. If you take an iOS or Android mail application and choose 'Exchange' and run through the setup you'll see it take you to the web landing page as the second step after you input your email address.

I attempt to sign in with my Gmail account but the screen goes blank after hitting "next" when entering my email. The attachment just shows a screenshot of a blank screen, so I do not see any error in and of itself. I've experienced a few of these and this article has helped us in the past. This seems to be affecting everyone. Create one! I commented above that I had a user on the phone with the same issue. Blank screen. Has anyone seen this issue and found a proper fix? At any rate -- try connecting the machine that's having the issue to a different network and try it again. After it was fully updated authentication started working again. We use office 365 for our mail server and Office 2016 for the client. The solution you suggested did not work. This is a nasty problem.