His primary YouTube channel, "Onision", features sketches and satirical clips; videos posted to his other channels focus on personal stories covering topics such as suicide and self-harmas well as discussion with his viewers. YouTuber Rage Quits Onision Interview /// LiveLavaLive Meets … The Onision channel is all about having fun. Like Banana song... or banana song.

My other channels are OnisionSpeaks & UhOhBro.

Latest Videos. Edit: His remaining active channel is OnisionSpeaks.

About Onision Channel. The aforementioned drawing.

The Onision channel was created by Greg in 2004 or earlier but moved to YouTube on January 29, 2006. Onision does not want to restrict gun laws or impose gun control. The Onision channel is all about having fun. Please enjoy my funny videos! He is known professionally by his online alias Onision (/oʊˈniːsiːɒn/). An FBI investigation seems to have opened in the case of YouTuber James "Onision" Jackson. The Onision channel includes skits, comedy series, and contain controversial issues. Subscriber Milestones. His online content has attracted controversy and …

He claims that “according to statistics, most gun owners are responsible”. Onision Hashbrown Songs (UhOhBro 1) 2020-05-10 6:21:05 PM 327 views 7:41.
Hi! I'm Onision, I make funny videos that once in a blue moon go viral.

He has at least one more (now inactive) channel simply called Onision. Thank you for following, subscribing & dropping bits on me! Watch Mojo’s “TopX” Series Top 10 Controversial YouTube Channels. Channel overview and history Edit. I love playing GTA 5, FPS games & dumb random games. to his channel in early December of 2018 (which was deleted soon after for unconfirmed reasons) Onision talked about how as a teen he had some minor involvement with the furry community thanks to one of his friends at the time, and although he had never identified as a furry he mentioned feeling very "welcome" and "at home" among them.

I am unworthy!

Please enjoy my funny videos!

Some label him as either a fraud, a pedophile, a homophobe, a purveyor of ephebophilia and a tax evader. James Jackson (born Gregory James Daniel; November 11, 1985) is an American entertainer, YouTuber, musician and author. James Jackson (born Gregory James Daniel; November 11, 1985) is an American entertainer, YouTuber, musician and author. He has other channels that are still up, and many people are viewing the deletion of this channel (where much of the offensive material(s) were uploaded) as justice being served, or as a victory for the supposed victims. I'm Onision! Thank you for taking the time to subscribe & click LIKE on my videos :) I appreciate it!

Onision was ranked 2nd on Watch Mojo’s Top Controversial YouTube Channels.