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Emergence of the role of the strategist; Pericles' conception of strategy; Manner of strategic leadership of Pericles; Pericles' approach to implementation. Preis inkl.


Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. Enthält dieses Buch Qualitäts- oder Formatierungsprobleme? It explains the relationship of the wordings of Plutarch and Ernst … Pericles, by William Shakespeare. Geben Sie einen Promotionscode oder einen Geschenkgutschein ein. DOC. modern day Lebanon, hears the riddle, and instantly understands its meaning: Antiochus is engaged in an incestuous relationship with his daughter. Chapter 3 of the book "Civism," by Thomas L. Dynneson is presented. It explains the relationship of the wordings of Plutarch and Ernst Curtius' readings. Particular focus is paid to the democratic society of ancient Athens and to the lessons expounded by the Greek statesman Pericles. modern day Lebanon, hears the riddle, and instantly understands its meaning: Antiochus is engaged in an incestuous relationship with his daughter.

Pericles the Younger (440s – 406 BC) was an ancient Athenian strategos (general), the illegitimate son of famous Athenian leader Pericles by Aspasia. The article summarizes the Golden Age of Athens in ancient Greece and mentions topics including the leadership of Pericles during the period, the formation of the Delian League and the Athenian navy, and the radical democracy period through the efforts of Ephialtes. 103 Issue 4, p383. The author argues that contemporary society, particularly American society, should learn the lessons taught by past cultures.

Pericles the Younger (440s – 406 BC) was an ancient Athenian strategos (general), the illegitimate son of famous Athenian leader Pericles by Aspasia.. Pericles the Younger was probably born in the early to mid 440s BC, before 446 according to some scholars, but possibly as late as 440.

[2] He was one of six strategoi executed following the Battle of Arginusae for failing to pick up survivors in a storm (see Battle of Arginusae). Academic Journal .

Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. The article presents information on Pericles, the statesman who played a vital role in developing Athens as a leading Greek city-state.

At his young age, Pericles did not want to be too much on the public limelight. Kaufen und versenden Sie dieses eBook an andere Personen. Sorry, but this item is not currently available from your library. Pericles the Younger was probably born in the early to mid 440s BC, before 446 according to some scholars, but possibly as late as 440. Read similar articles courtesy of your library, History of Alternative and Renewable Energy, Overview of the War on Terror in Afghanistan, Current Trends in Medicare and Social Security. An essay is presented about the relationship of Pericles' law to the amendment of citizenship law. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen. Essay . [2], Copyright fingerprint 8a04bd16c6cccb8b7f79070bcab9aaa4. The article analyzes Pericles' philosophical discussion on the essay which suggests a dramatic strategy of thesis and sustained counterargument. AUTHOR(S) Carawan, Edwin. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. He mentions his admiration with the historical figure, Pericles of Athens. PUB.

Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. Dieser Artikel hat eine maximale Bestellmenge. Pericles, the young Prince of Tyre in Phoenicia. Momentanes Problem beim Laden dieses Menüs. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: Entdecken Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile.

Es wird kein Kindle Gerät benötigt. Compares Plato's `Menexenus' writings to that of Pericle's `Funeral Oration.' Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. If he reveals this truth, he will be killed, but if he answers incorrectly, he will also be killed.

Pericles, the young Prince of Tyre in Phoenicia. Enthält dieses Buch unangemessene Inhalte? Einlöse-Links und eBooks können nicht weiterverkauft werden.

Diese Aktionen werden auf diesen Artikel angewendet: Einige Angebote können miteinander kombiniert werden, andere nicht. © 2020 by EBSCO Publishing. In a production directed by a very young Peter Sellars, Pericles, in the third act, sleeps in a cardboard box on a street corner.