Adding to the horror of the act, the father of one of the victims and the other victim’s brother confessed to killing the women. Outcry in Iran over honour killing of 14 year old girl. Outcry in Iran over honour killing of 14 year old girl, Two teenage girls shot dead by family members in Pakistan, Three relatives charged over 'honour' killing of 21-year-old woman, Suspected honour killing of 21-year-old sparks Palestinian protests, Woman faces forced marriage or death as UK deports her to Pakistan, Keeley Hawes honour killing drama under fire for 'shifting focus', The man who fought against Pakistani ‘honour killings’ and died for it, Four cousins shot dead in 'honour killing' on orders of council, 'Honour killing' among Christian community shocks southern India, Pakistani family kill newlyweds over free-will marriage, Police arrest men for marching girl naked through village in Pakistan, Muslim woman gave baby up for adoption over 'honour' attack fears, Pakistani teens accused of plotting to elope electrocuted by parents, ‘Honour killings’ hotline launched to protect mixed-caste couples, Tributes to young Muslim woman 'who had throat slit in honour killing', London 'honour killing' suspects appear in court, Last tweet of Muslim girl 'who had throat slit in honour killing', Teenager's body found in fridge in suspected London honour killing, Christian man 'kills teenage daughter over relationship with Muslim', Turkey acquits two Kurdish Germans of 'honour killing', There is no honour in murdering a family member, MP opposes domestic violence bill because it 'relates only to women', Tory MP Nusrat Ghani proposes Bill banning 'honour killing' term, Mother sentenced to death for burning daughter alive, MPs urge police to investigate abroad 'honour killings' of Brits, How Pakistan's law on honour killings can affect the UK, Pakistani man on why he murdered his sister in honour killing, Samia Shahid was raped before her death, police say, Brother shoots sisters dead ‘in double honour killing'. The is a not-for-profit news forum for intelligent Conservative commentary.

For more information contact: The cousins, aged 22 and 24, were shot … According to this report, while various types of violence against women are on the rise, “one of the shocking forms of physical violence that leads to the killing of women is honor killings. ©All rights reserved. A recent survey showed that 91 percent of honor killings worldwide are committed by Muslims, and 84 percent of honor killings in the United States were done by Muslims.

Unfortunately, the perpetrators are not afraid of prison or death because they have been brainwashed into believing that the honor of the family, tribe and village is embodied in the actions and bodies of women whom they treat like second-class human beings, and that preserving the so-called honor of the family is more important than a human life. President urges cabinet to speed up laws against such murders. The Commission has documented about 238 incidents of murder of women separately during this period [2019], 96 of which constitute honor killings. Rashida Tlaib: Deflecting Blame for Horrific Palestinian. Required fields are marked *,, Recent Honor Killings: ‘Even During Corona, No Respect for Human Life’. This figure was about 261 in 2018.”. In Afghanistan, with the departure of U.S. troops, there was always fear that the Taliban would go back to their inhuman practices. While honor killings in Pakistan now carry a life sentence, they remain common in Pakistan's remote tribal areas -- and the majority are against women perceived to have brought shame on their families. That new legislation came three months after Qandeel Baloch, a social media star and feminist. A look back at the reign of the Emir of Kuwait, Russia's top state TV anchor weighs in on US elections, Worldwide pandemic draining resources from Al-Hol camp, See how police spotted a missing boy at night from a helicopter, New York Times: Trump paid $750 in income taxes in 2016, CNN witnessed firsthand rescue of migrants in Aegean Sea, How China's Ant Group built a $17 trillion payments machine, Germany's ex-royals want their riches back, Africa's CDC chief explains continent's low death rate, Teenager stages Arctic school strike for the climate, Hear Justin Trudeau's sobering message on second Covid-19 wave, Inside one of the world's largest virtual cities, Expert: EU will to protect refugees is absent, Lena Headey: Moria refugees left in "hell on Earth", An estimated 380 whales die from stranding in Australia, Pakistan passes legislation against 'honor killings'.