Special K® Original is made with rice, whole wheat and oats.
Richard D. Mattes, MPH, PhD, RD, professor of foods and nutrition, Purdue
Rolled, toasted and flaked. The Special K diet is designed to be a quick fix, not a long-term program. We started fortifying our foods as we determined that fortified breakfast cereals play an important role in the diets of children and adults across Europe. septembre 24 2016, 12:41 pm. The Special K Challenge promotes quick weight loss through portion control at snacks and two of your daily meals. |
Special K cereal – Nutrition Be warned: You may be very hungry on the Special K diet, depending on what you're used to eating. The Special K Flake is made with three grains.
We know you can’t fake delicious - so we don’t. 12%.
Kellogg’s Specially K Original is great for breakfast as it's designed with essential nutrients to support wellbeing.
The Special K cereals and snacks range are free from artificial colours and flavours. Kellogg's® Special K® Cereal Blueberry Lemon, Kellogg's® Special K® Fruit & Yogurt Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Vanilla Almond Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Chocolatey Delight Chocolate Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Cinnamon Pecan Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Chocolate Almond Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Cinnamon Brown Sugar Crunch Protein Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Protein Honey Almond Ancient Grain Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Cereal Probiotics Berries & Peaches, Kellogg's® Special K® Chocolatey Strawberry Cereal, Kellogg's® Special K® Granola Cereal Touch of Honey. With wholesome ingredients and crave-worthy flavors, it’s time to turn snacking into a multi-sensory experience. Made with real ingredients that you can see, Special K Nourish* products help you get the most out of your day. Enjoy as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. And if that meal is loaded with fat and calories, the calorie savings from the rest of the day could be negated -- and you wonât lose weight. The soy we’re using in this food is non-GMO. You can’t fake delicious. COVID-19 Vaccines: Updates You Need to Know, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Becoming a Vegetarian: Foods to Choose From, Slideshow: Best and Worst Fast-Food Breakfasts. These delicious flakes are a source of protein and fibre – worth waking up for!
Total Fat 0.5g. To support this claim, IRI sales data were screened to identify the sales volume of products the chosen category in the past 52 weeks.
Cho, S., et al, Journal of the American College of 0% Saturated Fat 0g Trans Fat 0g.
Original Special K cereal is low in simple sugars and fat, making it a healthy breakfast choice for most people. © 2020, Trademark of Kellogg Company used under licence by Kellogg Canada Inc. |
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Her opinions and conclusions are her own. Try It Now. Since 1906, the paperboard of Kellogg cereal boxes has been recycled and today, a lot of our food packaging comes from recycled content. Shake up your morning. | 10%. Keep in mind that most dieters lose a little water weight when starting a weight loss plan.