Seven Times.

Everything felt right that day. Svalbard – When I Die, Will I Get Better? Talking about her cover of Radiohead’s In Rainbows track, the London based artist said: “I had the most wonderful, nourishing experience recording [‘Weird Fishes’]”, She added: “That’s where I decided: the rest of the album needs to be like this. Weird Fishes, a Single by Lianne La Havas. Lianne La Havas' new album features a tantalizing cover of Radiohead's 2007 'In Rainbows' song, "Weird Fishes." Hope gives way to hopelessness as the narrator once again finds themself at “the bottom,” left to be “eaten” and “picked over” by the creatures at the lowest point of the “deepest ocean” mentioned in the first verse. Green Papaya. Lianne La Havas has shared a stunning cover of Radiohead‘s ‘Weird Fishes’. Lianne La Havas has shared a stunning cover of Radiohead‘s ‘Weird Fishes’. Lianne La Havas- Weird Fishes Lyrics [Verse 1] In the deepest ocean The bottom of the sea Your eyes They turn me Why should I stay here? La Havas also weighs in on her cover of Radiohead’s “Weird Fishes”, particularly how it fits within the album’s story; the importance of moods in songwriting; and the inspiration of the ’70s on her recording process. La Havas, however, soars over the song’s climaxing groove. At Northwestern, Ethan edits for several campus publications and hosts a weekly radio show on WNUR 89.3 FM. Backed by a heavenly choir, she is triumphant, giving listeners the feeling that she may, one day, actually escape. Lianne La Havas on Why She Covered Radiohead’s “Weird Fishes” Singer-songwriter discusses the themes and stories behind her self-titled LP Lianne La Havas – “Weird Fishes” (Radiohead Cover). At the song’s turning point, when the bottom falls out, the entire band disappears, leaving only crystalline a cappella harmonies. Realizing it was just a dream after all, we’re left back where we started — “in the deepest ocean,” chained to our desolation. For her nearly-six-minute take on the Radiohead original, La Havas stays true to the song’s spirit while providing her own creative take on the dreamy rock track. Her soothing and confident vocal lines take the front seat as supported by atmospheric synth chords, a sturdy drum beat, and angelic background harmonies.

Today’s Song: Lianne La Havas Brings Newfound Soul to Radiohead’s “Weird Fishes”, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Track-by-Track: Chicago’s Hollyy Stir Up Classic Soul in Heated Debut EP ‘Miss the Feeling’, Confusion, Loss, & Quietude: Ian Wayne Reckons with Grief in Second Album ‘Risking Illness’, Interview: Naaz Spellbinds with Her Spectacular Single “Mute Love”, Comfort, Space, & Sanctuary: Hannah Georgas Dives into Her Intimate Album, ‘All That Emotion’, Track-by-Track: Didirri Blends Heartbreak & Hope in Stunning ‘Sold for Sale’ EP, Interview: Loren Allred Shines a Positive Light on a Difficult Period, Premiere: Papi Shiitake Don a Weary “Smile” in Dreamy Shoegaze Anthem, Premiere: Navvy Revels in Exuberant Delight on “Somebody Else” Video, Premiere: Izzy Heltai’s “Father” Is a Gentle, Cerebral Reminder About the Facts of Life, Today’s Song: Gillian Mapp Marks a Sultry Debut with “Orange Bitters”, Atwood Magazine’s Weekly Roundup: September 25, 2020, Our Take: Alicia Keys Keeps Her 20-Year Streak of Greatness Alive & Well on ‘ALICIA’, Feature: Joe Kollar’s Stirring Space Folk Soars on Debut Album ‘Side Street’, Lianne La Havas Weird Fishes lyrics meaning, Lianne La Havas Weird Fishes song meaning, This Just In: Maisie Peters & JP Saxe Join on Catchy and Sweet Single “Maybe Don’t”.

Released after a five-year hiatus and written following La Havas' break-up, the album was inspired by the life cycle of nature and its ability to thrive, go away, and come back stronger. La Havas says the cover was key to shaping the rest of the new album: This song is very close to my heart, and in the story of the record, the lyrics express exactly where I was.

She teases listeners with the uptempo drumbeat of the original song before sinking into a slowed groove accented by lush synth chords. Released 24 June 2020 on Warner. Can't Fight. The album was released on 17 July 2020.

Lianne La Havas’ 2013 tour setlist often included a cover of Radiohead’s “Weird Fishes,” a song the British singer-songwriter/guitarist has described as one of her “favorite songs ever

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