Save the Bees Collection. The film explores the struggles they face as the two friends plead their case on Capitol Hill and travel across the Pacific Ocean in the quest to protect their honeybees.. Looking for some great streaming picks? by Alex Billington June 5, 2019 Source: YouTube "Half for them.

I feel for the plight of all the bee keepers portrayed in the film, but the film simply fails at engaging us.This movie could have easily been trimmed down from 85 minutes to 45 minutes and it would probably have been much more watchable and informative. A percentage of the proceeds from the Saves the Bees Collection will go to The Bee Girl Organization, The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund and … Colony is a documentary that concentrates (for the most part) on an important issue: what is killing a third of the nation's honeybees?
Forced underground by the next ice age, a struggling outpost of survivors must fight to preserve humanity against a threat even more savage than nature. Little Women9. See the TV shows set to premiere in the rest of 2020, including "Utopia" and Season 2 of "The Mandalorian. As scientists and beekeepers search for the cause, Colony captures the struggle within the beekeeping community to save the honeybee and themselves. A good portion of the film strays away from the theme at hand and concentrates instead on one family who is struggling with the economy as they try to get a client to honor a contract, and what does that really have to do with the mass extinction of the bees?

8:15 PM. It's best experienced on the big screen, truly. Save the Honeybee Foundation works to promote sustainable farming practices and educational opportunities for beekeepers and citizens in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Channel 4 has announced that farmer and presenter Jimmy Doherty will lead a new documentary series to save Britain’s bees. A 2018 study published in the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research found that these bee-deadly pesticides are unnecessary in most cases. The FAO notes that pollinators are also important to safeguarding biodiversity. Trailer for Award-Winning 'Honeyland' Documentary. Written by Every February, beekeepers transport 1.8 million honey bee hives to California’s Central Valle to pollinate the blooming almond trees. Click on “I agree!” to consent to the placement of these cookies and you won’t see this message again for 360 days (or until you delete your cookies). Save the Bees: Using High Quality Writing To Protect the Insects We Love ... least 30 percent of the world’s crops and 90 percent of our wild plants to depend on the pollination efforts of our bees. These crops are not entirely dependent on commercially raised honey bees: the majority of pollinators, which include more than 20,000 species of bees, are wild. Vanishing of the Bees follows commercial beekeepers as they strive to keep their bees healthy. Honeyland is directed by Macedonian filmmakers Tamara Kotevska (director of a few short films) & Ljubomir Stefanov, both making their feature directorial debut with the doc.

Uncut Gems9. This FAQ is empty. The new documentary “The Pollinators”, directed by commercial beekeeper Peter Nelson, explores why these pollinators are dying off. The unexplainable phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder has left landscapes of empty beehives all across America, threatening not only the beekeeping industry but our food supply.
Vanishing of the Bees is a documentary and audiobook set designed to educate about the current peril bees face, with donations aiding honeybee research.