If the problem is that it is checked, not grayed out and See THIS for more details.
Setting COMMUNICATOR to ‘0’ means that it is not available. Set your IM options. No i didn't. This probably only will work if Skype for Business is installed. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ocspresenceim/thread/dfe74f28-6d16-4a19-9019-ea9e07877720. How to e-mail mp3 file from Outlook to my phone. I got an update today. The option "Display online status next to name" is checked and disabled. Outlook must be running and have the user's Exchange email set as the default account. Recently, we are implementing Jabber for Windows, we are in the test phase. http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/contacts/calling-from-an-outlook-contact-does-not-work/, EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange, Recover deleted Outlook 2007 e-mail account, How to create phone number as links in notes of Contacts, Get Outlook on your phone for free - web page pop up, Outlook on Windows Phone - compressed images .emz, Linking Outlook 2016 Desktop To POP3 Acc't On Android Phone, added new calendar, now not syncing to windows phone, No contacts sync from Outlook 2016 to Windows Phone, Unwanted US Holiday Contact folder in Outlook.com syncs to MAPI/Phone Address book, Saving attachments from specific sender (phone number) to specific folder on hard drive, contact marked as completed in phone view but not when opened, softphone software for VoIP phone for OUTLOOK, Outlook 2010 calendar won't sync with Android phone, Trouble downloading Outlook on an Android phone, Outlook Connector calendar sync problems with Android phone, Adding contacts on Android phone and then syncing them to Outlook. The option, I updated this patch and it instantly fixed my problem :-) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;969694, Hey Have you ever got your question answered, if yes could you please tell me how? Please read the complete thread before commenting with useless solutions. there is one at the end of the article for 64bit outlook. Reference link:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/presence-admins. My outlook is not showing the online status of my contacts. Country name no longer shows in Phone number popup?

Note The x.0 placeholder represents your version of Office (16.0 = Outlook 2016, Outlook for Office 365 and Outlook 2019, 15.0 = Office 2013, 14.0 = Office 2010).

Maybe need to reboot.Then the presence icon will be working fine. No they don't. I have another windows 8 and windows 7 pc's and work ok all information is displayed. Microsoft Teams Version (64-bit). This wil only work if Skype for Business is still installed. I searched for uc.tlb on a device where the presence doesn't work. Registry settings is already selected as teams, Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers, Display online status next to name in Outlook Greyed Out, In Outlook you can see the availability of users next to their name thanks to Lync Skype Teams etc, I have tried uninstalling > re-installing teams. I've faced same problem and now my online status is showing. A setting of “2” means that Lync / Skype is ready. Hide pictures in IM Select this option to show only your conversation in the IM window or tabbed panes, not pictures. 4. And I guess Microsoft is still working on fix this issue. In Outlook you can see the availability of users next to their name thanks to Lync Skype Teams etc This has disappeared for two users and I have not been able to find a fix. No that is not the solution.

Modify the registry - 'Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IM Providers\Communicator', empty every keys, except the 'Default'.3. I understand this was solved with a Teams update. Resolution Important If the option is not grayed out and not checked...just check it. Please check with regedit with below path, Computer\HKEY_USERS\S-1*******\Software\IM Providers. However, the request may time out if the user is close to the threshold, because a high item count may also increase processing time. Empowering technologists to achieve more by humanizing tech. When I go to options, People, On Line Status & Photograph section, the option "Display Online Status Next to Name" is greyed out. Check spelling as I type Select this option if you want Skype for Business to flag misspelled words with a red squiggly underline.. still not showing up then that's our problem and may be resolved by the links for the patch. 3 – SCREEN RESOLUTION STOPS PRESENCE ICONS. This has disappeared for two users and I have not been able to find a fix. synching outlook 2010 with google on android phone, phone numbers fields in BCM are not correct, Journal problem recording correct phone number, Updating Outlook Contact Phone Nos to international dialling codes, Problems with outlook calendar and android phone syncing calendars, In Contacts Phone List View, allow alpha jump w/single key, same as Card views, Android Phone E-Mails Not Disappearing After Being Deleted in Outlook 2013, Outlook Contacts: How to filter contact phone numbers from a cti request, Sync Outlook contacts and calendar to Android phone, Outlook contacts sync to windows phone I'm confused, Outlook 2013, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 7.5 WP7.5 Setup, Change length of phone number in contacts, placing contact and business phone column in task view, Syncing outlook Calendar with I-{Phone and I-pod. Right Click on your … But the option is not returning to default!