An example of someone who tried to speak to the dead is found in 1 Samuel 28. why does the bible tell us that the wages sin pays is death? rich man died and suffered torment in Hades. etc. “The Bible urges us to turn in faith to Christ and to seek the truth He has given us in the Bible. Once a woman was found, Saul disguised himself and went to her at night. Mediums attempt to conjure up spirits and manipulate the spiritual realm at will. the priests do that for them! They are gone to one of two places. From that point on my healing began, and I was able to move forth with my life. Jesus spoke of this in Matthew 7:23-23 when He said that people will come to Him claiming they prophesied, cast out devils, and did wonderful works (miracles) in His name, but He would tell them He never knew them; these people are deluded. "test the spirits and see whether they be of God" (1 John 4:1). A Christian Study. Jesus Christ introduces a radical development the Old Covenant saints could not have imagined when he clearly initiates the communication with the faithful departed unlike anything we saw in the Old Testament. Anyone who judges another is blind already.

Well said Eileen. Instead they are part of Satan’s family, which includes those who deny Christ (John 8:34-44; Acts 3:6-10; 1 John 3:8-10). is it possible that the dead girlfriend can communicate her boyfriend thru chatting on messenger..according to him the girl wants him to be with her, where she was now.. it was 5 days ago when the girl dead because of heart attack..but mostly of her family believe that the girl commit suicide because of depress of her boyfriend, because she wants him to go to there place and meet in person, they became girlfriend and boyfriend in social media facebook, and the boy refuse to go straight on there home town because he needs to go to the place where is his uncle lives..please help it possible that the dead girlfriend can communicate her boyfriend to messenger.

For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the LORD thy God hath not suffered thee so to do. However, they are not people, but demons (Leviticus 20:1-6, 27; Isaiah 8:19; Isaiah 19:3; Isiah 29:4). Thank you Brenda. Secondly verse 28 states, “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

I get great peace knowing that I get signs of communication from them. The The woman asked who he wanted her to call up and Saul told her Samuel. Abraham told Lazarus they had Moses and the prophets (God’s Word) to tell them. A "great gulf" separated the two and was "fixed:  so that they which of knowledge") -- and trusting the hierarchy of man -- fail to First, is that the vision was only visible to a woman with demons (1 Samuel 28:13). The first is clinical death, which occurs the moment the heart stops or is no longer able to circulate the blood. scripture:  salvation by almsgiving; suicide; magic; angelic intercession;

angels into Abraham's bosom," and the The prophet Samuel had died and King Saul learned that the Philistines were gathered together to go to war against Israel. (Deuteronomy

it says in 2 Corinthians 11:14. However, where that soul goes depends on if it was sealed by the Holy Spirit.

People on the Titanic had a wonderous sense of peace and joy and faith about that trip and that ship and we know what happened. God says it is sin, and human personal experience means nothing compared to that. Read them in the archive below. “…when someone claims to speak with the dead, they are perpetuating a lie or a false miracle.

Hell Linda. They do not know anything, cannot move, and have no memories. (Scripture refers to all believers can be traced in part to the Old Testament apocryphal books (2 Maccabees

Old Testament term for communicating with the dead is "necromancy." I have interpreted this as God’s grace and way of relieving suffering. Some religious messages don't glorify Jesus at all;

or we'd run & hide.). Praise God for His unspeakable gift!

To put down another with ill words and hatred has Satan in them. In the Old Testament God commanded, ‘Let no one be found among you … who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Biblical texts like Deut. does the Bible say DC,

These are there to confuse you and take you away from God’s truth, that is found in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27, where it states, “And, as it is appointed for man to die once, but after that comes judgement”.

our precious Lord, his truth, and how we should treat him, Gospel of John 8:31, and 32. and Matthew 10:32, and 33. Neither are not part of God’s family and they not His children by faith in Christ (Galatians 3:26). When my wife of 40 years died in my arms in a hospice, my world changed forever.

If there is a hell fire. It happened in 1 Samuel 28:6-20 with the actual "manifestation" occurring in verses 12 through19: They assume