I thought you said in the video that it was doable – can you point me in the right direction?

Trigger a flow when a specif SharePoint list field is updated. But in this example, I want to know what just changed in this item, so I’m going to subtract 1 from whatever the current version is. - Orderstatus = valuefield "ValoTeamwork" is not found via Dynamic content but via Output from "Select" When I used the Dynamic content value it did not work as "Valo Teamwork" contained the actual value and was passing it throung to "GroupSiteUrl" from Dynamic content which remaind always the same. 5. Create a new flow. Maybe you need to send an email or create a task, whatever your business process requires. This lets you tell the workflow which changes to compare. Further to this, by triggering on every change, we consume our allowance in a couple days. ['Orderstatus'], https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Using-Flows/Flow-and-SharePoint-List-Status/m-p/132299#M3532. Learn how your comment data is processed. Today a trigger is generated if any field in a list is updated.

At least that's how I could tackle this one. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This can be done on a list or library.

I tried using switch case or condition but there was a problem when other fields were updated and the condition was already fulfilled, it would send again an approval email:eg item changed - Status is not "Ready" = Terminate (that's OK)item changed - Status is "Ready" = send approval email (that's correct) but now item is changed again, other field is updated and the status is still "Ready" = approval email resent (that's not correct as it does not check what was updated". https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Flow-Ideas/idb-p/FlowIdeas. 3. If you need help with something, let me know! If title or inspection date change, goes to NO, DO NOTHING (because Revised Inspection Date and Revised Inspection Date Original are the same). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account.

Put these next actions in the If yes section after the condition. Instead, I'd like a condition that checks for a specific field being updated.For example:If I want to do a different event depending on the new value of the Status column, I have to write a flow like:CONDITION: When an existing item is modified >CONDITION: If Status does not equal Status (previous) >, ELSE CONDITION: If Status equals "Approved", ELSE CONDITION: If Status equals "Rejected", ACTION: Update Status (previous), set to Status, If I want to do a different event depending on the new value of the Status column, I have to write a flow like:CONDITION: When a specific field is modified >.
Use the same trigger - when a list item field is updated.

All of my "complete" fields are Y/N, so the Switch Case example would not work here, because all of the values I'm looking for are "Y" or "Yes". I posted a similar post a little while ago and then saw this post get updated asking about the same question. Need to be able to create an environment where the flow only coumnts when it actually does something.

The problem however stems from the original trigger..which is a template from MS that creates an action anytime the list is modified  (the LIST....not the field itself). Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Integrations. I need a flow to trigger when the value of that column changes from "2-Reviewed" to "3-Open".

This is not enough to generate effective workflows on sharepoint list. Then add a condition that checks if StatusNow equals "Completed", and if it does, continue with the flow for a completed checklist item. If you want to know which fields have been changed since the item was first created, you’d just type 1.0 in this box. In Microsoft Power Automate, you can create a flow that can take action based on specific columns being updated in SharePoint! Each time the flow runs, compare StatusNow and StatusOriginal. That would make a lot of people very productive with this, and very happy. Here are my classes if you’d like to ramp up. - ID can be found in "See more" Dynamic content, - SPREST-Versions is just renamed "Send HTTP request to Sharepoint", - In the Url, if you use space or other special chars, you need to pay attention to how it's written eg space = %20, - Value is the expression from the linked website Body('SPREST-Versions')?['value']. There is an action called Get changes for an item or a file, which gives you a boolean for each field, whether it was just changed or not. 6. Find your favorite faces from the community presenting at the Power Platform Community Conference! Set an initial condition that compares the values of those two columns. Features releasing from October 2020 through March 2021. To learn more about flows with Power Automate, and details about triggers, check out my course on my training site at IW Mentor. I agree with this. Trigger is looking for any item field(s) is modified not just one field only.

Since I specifically want to know if the status has just been changed in this latest modification, I can use a condition to check that. The only issue I am having is how to get the employee photo and I can’t seem to find anyone who can explain how to do this action. If you use the Sharepoint Connector Trigger for When a Sharepoint item is created or modified and then a Switch case. I have an approval process for list items and I wanted to send an approval email only when the status of the item changed from "Ordered" to "Ready".
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