A guide to Europe's cloud computing fight-back plan, AWS: 9 pro tips and best practices (free PDF), Cloud computing policy (TechRepublic Premium), The 10 worst things about working from home (free PDF), VirtualBox: Everything the pros need to know, How to manually install the VirtualBox extension pack, How to resize a VirtualBox VM from the command line, How to automate VirtualBox snapshots with the VBoxManage command, So what can you actually do with Linux?
Verify that a rule exists to allow TCP port 3389 for inbound connections as follows: The following example shows a valid security rule that permits RDP traffic. The issue can be with the Remote Desktop service on the VM, the network connection, or the Remote Desktop client on your host computer.

Scroll down the settings pane to the Support + Troubleshooting section near bottom of the list. The following example obtains information about the Network Security Group named myNetworkSecurityGroup in the resource group named myResourceGroup: Now, view the rules that are configured for this Network Security Group.

Do you get ''An internal error occurred" through the public RDP as well? I use vmplayer to play it and that     works fine. … If you have installed the terminal services or RDS the RDP issue is more common. When you make an RDP connection to a VM in Azure, you receive the following error message: Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons: 1. Why did you Sysprep the VM? Here it is: The system's XShm extension is not enabled.

In the Azure portal, select Virtual Machine > < your VM >, scroll down to the OPERATIONS section, click the Run command, and then run EnableRemotePS. After each troubleshooting step, try reconnecting to the VM: Continue reading if you need more detailed steps and explanations. Click the Endpoints button to view the endpoints currently configured for your VM. I was, however, originally wanting to simply run vmplayer and redirect the X window from my laptop -> desktop but when I do that I cannot enter Unity Mode. This quick how to article walks you through the process of connecting to a VirtualBox virtual machine, so you can work locally on a remote desktop. Select your VM in the Azure portal. Go to the Azure support site and select Get Support. Step 1: Launch the menu item VM > Settings .

Connection name--give the connection a name. Remember, the trick is connecting to the IP address of the host, not the guest. Select your VM in the Azure portal and click the Overview tab. Customize it 3. Toggle Comment visibility.
One of the VMs is Windows10, but I can not RDP the Windows Machine. For more information, see how to reset NIC for Azure Windows VM. SEE: The 10 worst things about working from home (free PDF) (TechRepublic).

Verify routing. Trending on MSDN: Virtual Machine stuck in Deallocating State 1 Answer