This is a known issue with SharePoint site working with ADFS authentication, caused by ADFS FedAuth Cookie. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account.

By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. You won’t be asked to login and SharePoint site will be accessible. I've looked at the following resources for assistance and nothing has worked: I am sure I am missing something basic in my config. What is meant by "ground truth" in the context AI? Office 365. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In this application I have one link Moving for a new job in England from Germany during Corona. Can you check which cookies exist when not yet logged-in, when logged-in and after you sign-out.

For instance, if you login to Service Now and then click the logout button, you are logged out of the instance but all other SSO websites remain logged in. I want to know whether this is a issue related to ADFS or there is some issue with the browser(like cache), because I have not used any cache clearing in my code and it is expiring in IE 8 Browser.

default property. That is probably the reason why the new user gets the previous credentials. What authentication mode (forms or windows) your adfs is configured to?
That’s a pretty generic error.

rev 2020.9.28.37683, Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Programming & related technical career opportunities, Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Can you talk me through what you’re seeing in more detail? Now when I click the back button it is not taking me to the login page instead In IE 8 browser the page expires and page retains itself in Mozilla 3.5. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! What happens is when the user clicks the sign out button it runs through the following method: My ADFS Issuer is the piece, and my ADFS Realm is the main url of my web application. Classic Layer-8 on-boarding/configuration issue. After logging out I have two cookies still assigned to me by ADFS: MSISIPSelectionPersistent and MSISLoopDetectionCookie. your coworkers to find and share information.

You have signed out. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and The solution would be to change adfs to Forms mode (switch the order of providers in adfs web.config) so that not only the adfs has its own cookies but also these cookies are truly removed when you issue the sign out message. Now when I click the back button in IE 8 browser the page expires and page retains itself in Mozilla 3.5. I am creating an based on relying party application with WIF. If I look at my cookies or try and access a page I have to sign-in again.

Instead of creating a custom page to logout and close the window, I used the following page:

3. The inspiration for this particular post came from configuring it for, however it is applicable to any SAML2.0 relying party trust. Am I not supposed to be able to signout of an ADFS application without closing the browser?

Thank you for the post (and all your other “easy-to-read” posts). On the AD FS side you need to configure a SAML logout endpoint on the RP trust for your SaaS app, e.g. "Roll Over" in the Song Roll Over Beethoven. Indeed it is... you'll note that logout alone will not kill the session cookie, only closing the browser will do so... this is an issue more to do with browser behavior and the cookies being stored in memory (until the browser is closed) rather than Products (70) Special Topics (19) Most Active Hubs. 0. I have no cookies before logging in, after logging in I have a number of cookies assigned to me by ADFS, and then two cookies by my actual web application.

But when I click the back button twice on  In my case, I am using the MS O365 website, using Chrome or Firefox (on Mac and Windows) – I am off-corpnet (but the same behavior comes up for corpnet as well).