My mouth’s watering – these were so good! It’s cute, at first. So Yummy. Growing up in the 80’s really was something to remember – iconic fashion, music, films, and of course the best treats that would make you beg your mum for pocket money so you could go wild in the corner shop. Okay, this ice cream takes the prize for odd shapes. Not everyone was privy to the dangers of high fructose corn syrup. Cadburys just don’t make them like this anymore…. This product doesn’t even look appetizing in the commercial. Sounds like a lot, right? That doesn’t necessarily sound bad. And, honestly, it would be hard to imagine any parent allowing their child to treat themselves to a Jolly Rancher Fire Stix. Sure, it’s just ice cream, but it’s shaped like a frog. Triple Power Push Pops. Again, no where near the same as the Boost chocolate bar that’s out today. Back in the early 1980s, Nabisco made a snack cracker like no other. Wake up to PEPPERIDGE FARM® Swirl Bread French Toast. A waffle makes for an excellent snack, especially if you go all out with butter and syrup. 7. Business Insider also reports that the soda was pink in color, which makes sense. 18 Childhood Snacks From The 80’s That Have To Be Brought Back. Consequently, not every food item was a winner.

Five Alive figured, in 1979, why not combine five fruit juices to make one mega-juice? And pretty much every 1980s snack contained a boatload of sugar. But why? Sounds like a win/win to me. Also, this commercial is just wild. There have been some products that have come pretty close to the same thing, but nothing can replace these. Yeah, we went there. That likely explains why things tasted so delicious. … The Care Bears are great, but so are standard waffles. They’re good as-is and don’t need a weird and polarizing gimmick to work. The product makes sense, but it’s also very easy to make fun of.

While we’re aware they’ve brought out salt and vinegar flavour, and pickled onion flavour etc., I still haven’t seen any with the original fish and chips flavour. Because a shape like this doesn’t really have a strong audience. You might remember these drinks from the ’90s, but they actually came out in the ’80s. It’s hard to believe that the 1980s happened such a long time ago. It featured people wearing unconvincing, downright frightening Care Bear costumes, promised that there’s a bear hug in every bite. Okay, these were cool. For those of us who think fondly of childhood, there was nothing wrong with snacks from the 1980s. The tagline was a strange one, though: I guess it had to be shoved into a pastry to be truly appreciated.