Or as I do in this script, check if Google Analytics probably has loaded, and then redirect (or frame the page as I do). // Create a fake URL that we can filter in Google Analytics. Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Site Map. Either way, you need a destination URL to get going -- and the effort is WAY worth it. After all, a share of something you’ve produced is a sign of trust in your brand. It is a free tool that Google offers to you. LOTS of fun. Why is this data useful? Without clear goals, you can't measure your progress towards (or away from) your desired objectives.

Facebook is a great advertisement platform that any digital marketer can use to target a large number of people. People dislike waiting. What tips can you offer for analyzing this data? After all, you don’t own Facebook’s data analytics and you never know if they’ll switch off free access.

Now let’s take a look at the data you’ve downloaded and what metrics you’ll find there. This data will tell you how many fans you’re gaining or losing. Facebook provides a wealth of data and analytics for your business page. So it’s worth taking some time to familiarize yourself with what data is available and the key stats to look at. For example, you could track the following: You can effectively get as specific as you want to associate clicks from certain links on Facebook to your website to see which ones drive goal completions. If you want to view the actual post, click on the permalink URL. If you’re using Facebook to drive traffic to your website, for example, you should be looking into link click stats.

Copyright © 2020 Maigro Technology or its affiliates. If you’re suffering from foot pain, the best thing you can do is seek professional help. promote your Facebook Page in a newsletter), then you should add campaign tracking to the URL like this: Below is the Google Analytics code I’m using to track Facebook iFrame Pages. And by the end, you'll be able to see: If you want to go beyond simply measuring traffic, then you'll need to set up Goals in Google Analytics. This tab shows these stats for each post during the time period: Clicks to Play, Link Clicks, Other Clicks (likes, comments, or shares that generate stories), and Photo Views. Whatever it is you WANT visitors to do will define your Goals in Google Analytics. Add a name for your frame. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners If you want to change your cookie setting, please see the ‘how to reject cookies’ section of our Cookies Notice. Looking at who clicked to play a video also informs your video content strategy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For example, I use the following URL to track clicks from my Facebook Page's custom tabs (apps) to my website. That little trick (by the way) gives you Google Analytics data for your Facebook traffic and compares it against the rest of your website's traffic. To start with it, just visit the page that you want to propagate on Facebook. If you just add your regular Google Analytics script to your iFrame page, you are missing 2 important things: In this blog post I show you how these problems can be overcomed. The problem isn’t related to Google Analytics, you will get the same problem with other web analytic tools. If the users Privacy Settings in Internet Explorer is set to “Medium” or higher, Internet Explorer will block cookiesfrom your iFrame Page and Google Analytics, and the visit will not be recorded. How many people wanted to watch to the end?

You can see stats on impressions, total video views, auto-plays, and more. You’ll see the message “Your download has started.” The export process may take a little while depending on the date range you chose. Unique, shows some basic metrics for any videos you’ve shared or uploaded to your page, including impressions, reach, and video views, as well as how many people watched 95% of your video. The next screen allows you to choose a preset template (this won't design your page, but it does make the process easier).

Delving into your insights can help you refine your Facebook page content strategy and improve engagement. Since I’m framing the page, I don’t have to create an additional redirect page. Make sure it is similar to your Facebook ad campaign name in Facebook Ads Manager. The first highlighted post is a curated content piece, which had 7,273 link clicks. Want more like this? von deinem Pixel und deiner Facebook-Seite), sodass du alles an einem Platz findest und ein ganzheitliches Bild erhältst. Enter your Thank you or Confirmation page URL, configure any optional settings, verify the Goal, and save it! The default time frame is the last 28 days, but you can change the date range by clicking the Date Range drop-down menu. Place the URL anywhere you have a clickable link or graphic and want the click to resolve to your desired landing page.

This information can help you decide whether you want to produce more content on that theme (a good SEO tactic, of course). For instance, you could have a "Find out more about my work" call-to-action that sends visitors to your website's About page.

To track Facebook ads in Google Analytics, you need to copy the portion of the URL starting after the question mark.