Humans should not attempt to colonize another planet. Each state, the NSDA, the NAUDL, NCFL and the NDCA will conduct voting in November and December to determine the favored topic area. The hunt for alien life is contrary to the Church. There are no more things left to discover when it comes to tech. In other words, debate topics for high school should be interesting and relatively simple. In January, the NFHS will announce the 2020-21 national high school debate topic and resolution. A quick explanation of how this works: Today we meet in small groups, each small group discusses a couple possible resolutions based on the 10 topic reports that have been prepared by various people from across the nation, most of whom are coaches of teams. Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase market-based regulations requiring reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. I consider dance to be a sport. People who don’t use their right to vote should lose it. Should I Drop Out Of College? In addition to the resources included in … Medical errors should not be considered criminal in nature. The simple answer is that you go online and try to find a topic that would please everyone. Tips & Strategies. Trump should have been impeached long ago. NASA should have access to unlimited funds. k�3N��Xg# Let’s allow steroids in sports; they have benefits. Balloting for the 2020-21 national high school debate topic will take place in a two-fold process. People like to debate about them, but the debate doesn’t yield any kind of results. Which is better for gamers, a mouse and keyword, or a controller? Students who don’t dress well should pay a fine. Artificial intelligence will harm the humankind. However, we are here to help each and every student. All rights reserved. Gaming should be considered a sport, that’s for sure. It will be much easier for you to find the right topic if you know what discipline it should follow. Speech, Debate & Theatre Directors & Judges,, Celebrating Return to Play During National High School Activities Month, Building Advocates: Helping Principals Find Their Voice for Speech Activities, After Health Scare, South Carolina’s Singleton Leads with Renewed Focus, Cederstrom Returns to High School Gridiron After Stellar MLB Career, National High School Activities Month Celebrated in October. Probably one of the few trustworthy places online.