The only problem is: the show “Songs for a new world” has never been staged here, so I have no idea what the thought behind this song is. When I try to reach for the held out A in Shiksa Goddess, I end up in glottal fry. and then Marshman21 asks: I never meant to be a “cult” writer, and it’s a weird thing to write songs and know, before the ink is dry on the page, that only a certain number of people will hear them. I wish I could tell you more, but at the moment, that’s all I know. Comment by Michael Kaplan on March 22, 2006 at 7:39 pm, Comment by Liz Adams on March 24, 2006 at 9:59 pm, Comment by Mindy Cimini on March 25, 2006 at 6:10 pm, Comment by Leon Sabarsky on April 2, 2006 at 9:52 am, Comment by Anonymouse on April 10, 2006 at 8:18 pm, Comment by Gordon Sharpe on April 14, 2006 at 7:01 am, Comment by Nolan on April 22, 2006 at 5:46 pm, Comment by Andrea on October 6, 2006 at 8:02 pm, Comment by Douglas P. Arnold on October 3, 2007 at 9:25 pm. Thank you for the fast and entertaining answers to our questions. See my response to Rick Piper above. I was wondering if the printed music to “Someone to Fall Back On” was or will be available. I am a little confused about “I Can Do Better Than That”. He has also contributed music to the hit Nickelodeon television series, The Wonder Pets. At the end of LFY, why is Goodbye Until Tomorrow sung by both Jamie and Kathy whereas all the other songs with the exception of Next Ten Minutes are solos? I’ll be at Birdland on Tuesday April 4 at 8 pm with the Caucasian Rhythm Kings and the dazzling Jenn Colella! Hal did want Brent to play Leo almost from the very beginning of the process, but I thought he was too old and too goyishe for the part, so I didn’t write it with him in mind. “Me and that kid, people don’t realize, we screwed around like that every day because he called himself and the team called him that,” Brown noted to The Express in a 2019 interview. I have continuously listened to the music over and over for a few years now and never tire of it. Hi. The piano parts were actually much harder to memorize, even though I played them every night in New York – they’re just much more specific than most of my other writing, and because there are a lot of times when one instrument is doubling the piano, I had to make sure I played exactly the right notes. He was awarded two Tony Awards for writing and orchestrating The Bridges of Madison County, a musical adapted with Marsha Norman from the best-selling novel, which opened last season on Broadway, directed by Bartlett Sher and starring Kelli O'Hara and Steven Pasquale. Perhaps a Pakistani musical is on its way soon! Jason is a proud member of the Dramatists Guild and the American Federation of Musicians Local 802 & 47. The other day my iTunes was on shuffle and “Dressing Them Up” (from Kiss of the Spider Woman) came on just after “How Can I Call this Home?” I know that Harold Prince worked with him in Spider Woman and it dawned on me that he might have had Brent Carver in mind for the part from the beginning. Luckily, that works dramatically!) Is there any plan to release sheet music for this? Hey, Mindy. There are chunks of the score that are higher than I can sing because I knew Norbert had those notes. Liz Adams asks: But now I am, so you must be a prophet! Philip King asks: Why not make every song in the show as clean and clear and accessible as possible? You wrote Last Five Years, this we know. JRB responds: For those of you wondering what this is all about, every couple of years the State Farm insurance company produces a Broadway-style musical for its big sales convention, and they’ve hired me to write the score for the last three of these. At present I’m working on Shiksa Goddess, one of my favorite songs from the show. That’s a tough question. Also, any advice you may have in learning this wonderful (but challenging!)

I do indeed teach at USC, though I teach in the theater school and not the music school, which means that I’m obligated to concentrate more on dramatic work than musical ideas. I decided to perform “The New World” and “River Won’t Flow” with my friends – they are great singers who are willing to go on Broadway later in their lives. I really liked your comment about “feel” playing and gave examples like Dave Frishberg’s work. Ultimately, I really do think of my ability to write and communicate as a gift, a blessing, and I am profoundly grateful for that, and I know how rare and special it is for me to have the forum to share my work with people who love it. “These fake a– coaches who can give a s— less about these kids!