The Red Berries flavor tastes yummy and doesn’t make you feel like you are on a diet. Otherwise, cook ahead and refrigerate or freeze food that you can reheat just as quickly as pouring a bowl of cereal. Find out how many calories you need to lose weight, and eat that number of calories, comprising it of any kind of food you like. no matter how small or short you are burning calories :D, Yup most people lsoe 3lbs the first week of dieting and 2lbs a week from there on :), Loads of water, I mean a lot!!! Is this anorexia where you feel guilt or dread after eating anything ? Grain is not people food. Cereal won't contribute to weight loss as it is a carbohydrate.

Eat your cheerios.. if it doesn't make you gain weight, enjoy.

When I started to eat at night and ignore the lessons of the past, my weight started to creep back and my blood fat levels soared. All that will matter is if your total for the day is less calories than you need to stay at maintenance. A 1-cup serving is about two handfuls. A portion of food is the size of YOUR fist. A cheap healthy bowl of oatmeal for dinner in place of my usual fare, possibly saved my weight and my life.

To loose weight you must burn more calories than you take in. Try to drink Ice water in place of other drinks or luke warm water. My concern is not just any quick fixes, I am wondering whether eating cereal for dinner is bad because people say carbs in the evening is never good for someone looking to lose weight. the cereal i eat is Komplete, and people have told me that they have lost weight this way, but im not sure about it, have anybody donde this cereal diet? swap your desk chair for a stability ball then gently bounce on it, Eat vegetables seeds nuts and lean proteins, save 85 calories just by swapping mustard for mayonnaise in a sandwich, got nuts with nuts eating a handful of nuts will help you stay full try soaking them in water for a different texture, add red pepper flakes to your pantry when eaten early in the day red pepper lowers the amount of food youll eat later. Late night snacking and heavy dinners became my downfall. Oats are grains from the cereal plant, Avena Sativa. MORE: The 10 Best Organic Cereals Not necessarily no carbs--I actually eat quite a few carbs. I did a few weeks on Shreddies for lunch and it really helped kick start my weight loss. You might lose weight but I don't think you would reach any permanent and sustainable results. is it safe to water fast for 15 days at 16 5'4 female? But if literally measuring out your cereal feels too diet-y, at least try to eyeball a reasonable portion. Besides, it depends on what kinda cereal that is (I'm not familiar with the brand); if it's not whole wheat and has added sugar, it's likely to cause hyperinsulinism, which means that there's excessive amount of glucose in your blood stream. I, however, like to focus on the quality of the calories I am taking in, so I have recently stopped meals that are just something like cereal and milk. where did you get that idea?? If I get involved with my hot female neighbour, is it too close to home . There are some people here who just focus on quantity of calories, and it is absolutely true that whatever you eat, if you only eat a certain amount of calories you can lose weight. Why would you want to eat something processed like that as your dinner which will more than likely give you cravings for something else later? There are two fellas in our office on the `cereal diet', a bizarre concept which sees participants eating cereal for two meals a day in a bid to lose weight fast.

Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. i eat breakfast and dinner with that cereal, and at lunch anything healthy It is made of whole grain wheat, rice, … Of course cereal is people food. I suggest you look into the Montignac Method for life-long results - I have followed these principles for the past five years and have been normal weight ever since I started and I can eat whatever I want. and spike it with some citrus fruit as this has an enzyme in it. Where can I find health and fitness apps? Calories in, calories out to lose weight......!! Start the day with a healthy and hearty breakfast because if you choose to eat a small or unsatisfactory breakfast you will probably eat large amounts of food later, and it is likely these will be less healthy.. At breakfast you should opt for low fat foods like whole grain cereals or toast.