($ource). For years Greg has said Skye stole from him by lying about how much money of the Onision business she was entitled to. He says there's nothing he can do but die. (Source). She said Greg began Skyping with Shiloh off and on. Skye says Greg wouldn't let her use the phone. Did chris not know youtube ad revenue is basically dead, especially for controversial/drama related content? Apply for YouTube Partnership. ESTIMATED EARNINGS.

Anyone seen John Pederast around? This news came seemingly out of nowhere to fans, as Greg and Skye seemed to be keeping up the same energy and emotions into their videos as when they first started. She once noticed he wrote something to Shiloh along the lines of "you're the only one who understands me." It is rumored she abandoned her accounts because could not take the threats and harassment from Greg's fans anymore after he began publicly complaining about their alimony agreement (see below). (Source) He says despite marriage being an asset split in the eyes of the law, he believed they had an agreement that "everything she acquired in her life was hers, and he in his". He's choking how, his veins pulsing now. After Skye began receiving harassment due to Greg's videos, he uploaded "Please Leave Skye Alone", where he asked fans to stop leaving hate comments on her channel. James Jackson (born Gregory James Daniel; November 11, 1985) is an American entertainer, YouTuber, musician and author. He owns multiple other YouTube channels, including OnisionSpeaks, UhOhBro, Encore, and Archive. Who is he and why is he on YouTube? He would pick her up and would sing in a silly voice and "bump" her with his arm while driving. he responded "When I realized her morals and interests were almost identical to mine… and that she loved me more than any girl I ever met… even when I’m being annoying or rude… she loves me… as I do her." Channel Type Comedy. (Source) The next day, Greg sent Skye what seems to be an email talking about a separation between them. ($ource), On April 28, 2012, Greg uploaded "ALIMONY vs SLAVERY" to his Speaks channel, a video dedicated to explaining how alimony is like slavery. SUBSCRIBERS. (Source) That same day, he uploaded "Greg & Skye Divorced", where he says he and Skye decided to get a divorce because they are not compatible and many other reasons. Can someone please explain what is going on between Chris Hansen and Onision? Jeff, we are Mooslem.

I have my favourite content creators but usually its people who restore cars, have history themed channels, a couple of gamers and a few shooting channels like Forgotten Weapons. We do NOT support FAKE NEWS!!! He says he was actually in love with his ex Shiree and only married Skye to receive military benefits, such as living off base and not having to live in the dorms. Many old fans were delighted to see her return to making comedy videos. The attacks were noticeably more extreme and frequent than ever before. I watch plenty of YouTube. Greg replies in the video "Onision's Divorce Was A Mistake?" He says it was sad and draining. (Source), On January 28, 2012, Greg made his only attempt to stop the hateful comments from his angry fans. But anyway, I have no idea who Onision is or what he does. The next day, he told Skye he was working on a big project and locked himself in his office for three days. He says business in not good lately and she keep pulling and sucking his energy from his because of his financial debt. Also a channel by a hilarious Dane living in Russia where is daughter flips him off in the background while he saws logs or builds fires or works on broken down tractors.

He says it would be hard for them to maintain attraction for the other when they are "intentionally, consciously letting themselves go". (Source), At some point, it seems Skye lost interest in YouTube and would not work with Greg on videos anymore. Greg and Skye married on August 5, 2005 in San Antonio, Texas. Skye says after, he called Shiloh and told her, "It's done now. She says everything that needed to be said was said through the court systems under oath. Skye created a FellFromTheSkye Facebook fan-page and a FellFromTheSkye Twitter account to communicate with her fans. But he keeps on lying, about why he drove down. The Facebook statuses and Speaks videos sent some fans over the edge and they began to increase the threats and hate on Skye's accounts. RELATED: Onision Banned From Twitch After Abuse Allegations. ... YouTube Stats Summary / User Statistics for Onision (2020-09-13 - 2020-09-26) DATE. Adrienne - The Letter • Suk Mi • A Horrible Rebound • The Voicemails, http://www.lifeofonion.com/index.php?title=Skye_(Ex-Wife)&oldid=2119. We don't put bullets in heads unless infidel, www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6NuijZOSgABpEC3W_2gjA.