We were ahead of the Tories, only 683 votes behind Labour. Conservatives lost big in the English local elections. The Lib Dems finished fourth on 12 percent while the Green Party came in fifth and UKIP was in sixth place. Brexit party insiders said Labour’s reliance upon a mainly Pakistani vote in inner-city wards had been the difference between the parties. Lisa Forbes has just won the historic Peterborough by-election.

Electionarium's Presidential Election Predictions. Voters in Peterborough—Kawartha elected Dave Smith of the Progressive Conservative party as their MPP in the 2018 Ontario election. She was the first MP to be recalled under the Recall of MPs Act 2015.2.

The Conservatives lost over half of their vote share with the Brexit Party passing them into second place. Peterborough, one of Cambridgeshire's most talked about and contentious constituencies, has gone blue once again after the Conservatives won a hard-fought campaign in the 2019 General Election. Benefits. The recall petition was announced following the disgraced MP's sentencing the Old Bailey for perverting the course of justice, after she was caught by a speed camera doing 41mph in a 30mph zone in the village of Thorney, on the outskirts of Peterborough. Boris Johnson announcement tomorrow time: What will the Prime Minister say tomorrow? A by-election took place in the Parliamentary constituency of Peterborough on 6 June 2019. Had Nigel Farage's party actually won this narrowly, he would have had much more momentum to argue not just to get Brexit done by the end of October, but to have huge influence potentially over how the Conservatives choose their leader. Labour has narrowly held on to Peterborough in the by-election, defeating the Brexit Party by just 683 votes. Is this a coming House of Commons breakthrough for the Brexit Party? “In this key seat, the Conservatives have been pushed to the margins,” he said. The result is a setback for Farage’s fledgling party, which argues for a no-deal departure from Europe and made a strong showing in last month’s European elections, securing the largest share of the vote and winning 29 seats. Peterborough sent two members to parliament for the first time in 1547. Ms Forbes ran for re-election against Conservatives’ Paul Bristow, the Brexit Party’s Mike Greene, Liberal Democrat’s Beki Sellick, Green’s Joseph Wells, Christian Peoples Alliance’s Tom Rogers, Monster Raving Loony Party’s The Very Raving Mr P and independent Luke Ferguson in this year’s election. Conservative leadership candidate Boris Johnson tweeted his "commiserations" to Tory candidate Paul Bristow, who, he said, "did not deserve to come third", while fellow contenders Dominic Raab, Matt Hancock and Jeremy Hunt said the result showed the threat from Labour. Stewart Jackson, a stalwart Brexit supporter, lost his seat in the 2017 election to Fiona Onasanya of Labour. Labour’s Lisa Forbes says result shows ‘the politics of division will never win’, Fri 7 Jun 2019 03.04 EDT The Brexit Party leader is keeping a low profile after his new party’s defeat in Peterborough. Once we deliver Brexit, and get a new leader in place, I think this seat will be back in contention,” he said. Turnout was 48.4%, down from 67.5% in the 2017 general election, when Labour beat the Tories by 607 votes, Voters in Peterborough backed Leave by 61% to 39% in the 2016 EU referendum, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Tory big guns Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt visited the city during the hard-fought campaign, Theresa May, who will officially resign as Conservative leader later, did not visit the constituency. The party vowed to continue disrupting British politics. After the result, Jeremy Corbyn said the Tories had been pushed to the margins because of the government cuts and its disastrous handling of Brexit. newspaper archive. British voters are abandoning the two leading parties in droves, or at least that’s what the EU elections and recent opinion polls say. Peterborough by-election result: DEFIANT Mike Greene vows to fight Tory candidate Paul Bristow came in third with 7,243 votes. The Conservatives, who held the seat several years ago, came in third with just 21 percent. Onasanya is a Remainer, the side that lost in 2016, which shows just how much things changed in Peterborough in a year. Peterborough by-election result: Brexit Party fails to win first MP as Labour retains seat. Speaking to Cambridgeshire Live, Katie Hopkins explained why she has such an interest in this by-election. Write Labour off at your peril.". Finally, Brexit hangs over all of it, and a new party was born to try to see it through to the end. Did you imagine we would be in a scenario where Labour would shed 17 percent of vote share in a marginal seat and still win it? © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies.
more information Accept. “I love that the people of Peterborough did that. Nigel Farage has just been interviewed on BBC Breakfast from Peterborough. We did not have the vote numbers they had.

None of the other candidates managed to get over 1,000 votes.