!, 10/18/14, BRAVO: PRIVATE VIOLENCE WINS A SUNDANCE INSTITUTE GRANT!, 7/11/13, LET’S NOT FORGET TEEN DATING VIOLENCE AS WE TALK ABOUT BULLYING by Cindy Waitt, 6/21/12, Gloria Steinem Speaks Out About Domestic Violence At A Screening Of HBO Documentary ‘Private Violence’ by Emma Gray, HuffPost Women, 9/30/14. ( Log Out /  The film narrates the story of domestic violence survivors: Kit Gruelle, a domestic violence victim turned advocate who seeks justice for all female violence survivors, and Deanna Walters, whose estranged husband Robbie kidnapped and beat her for four days in the cab of his truck but was not arrested for it. In spite of Deanna's devastating injuries, Robbie was not arrested.
Though the film addresses some questions that remain a sticking point in helping abused women, it sheds little new light on them for viewers who've spent any time thinking about this upsettingly widespread phenomenon. Looking for some great streaming picks? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. [1] The film focuses on the issue of domestic violence, as told through two survivors. The long-term health impacts of domestic violence (DV) are being characterized as "epidemic" and a "national scourge" by Robert S. Thompson, MD, because DV affects between 25% and 54% of women in their adult lifetimes, and a […], Cobras and Pit Bulls “Why don’t you just leave?” It sounds so simple. there will be a need for advocates such as Kit Gruelle. “Think about your daughters, think about your sisters, think about your mother, think about the 10 million children every day (nationwide) that see abuse in their families – what are we doing for them?” Haley asked.

Without having seen the movie, and knowing the ins and outs of domestic violence I would suspect that emphasizing that percentage will likely entice more women to stay in an abusive relationship than alter the mindset of society and it is a dangerous figure to banter about. Private Violence begins to shape powerful, new questions that hold the potential to change our society: "Why does he abuse?" Check out our most anticipated streaming picks. [5], The film received mostly positive response from critics. Title: A look at the complexity of domestic violence, especially when it comes to the difficulty of prosecuting abusers in a court of law, "Private Violence" keeps its focus narrow, a smart choice, following around Kit Gruelle, a victims' advocate from North Carolina. Beverly Gooden, from North Carolina, did not watch the elevator footage, but heard the commentary, the overwhelming refrain being, "Why didn't she just leave?" "Private Violence" opened Friday in limited release and plays tonight, October 20, 2014 on HBO. He found […], The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self by Julia Cameron is a fabulous book and a 12-week fantastic experience. Death of a Child is an exploration of the lives of parents who have caused their own children's deaths. I hope we can change the system to empower women before they leave so when they do there is not so much chaos and collateral damage which takes a terrible toll on their minds and bodies. She retained Kit as her domestic violence advisor.
"[7] David Rooney of The Hollywood Reporter gave the film a positive review and said that "Cynthia Hill's Private Violence offers an interesting procedural account and, along the way, gets to know the impressively dedicated advocate, Kit Gruelle, who sees it through to the end. "[8] Brian Tallerico from Film Threat said, "Just by being truthful and honest with its subjects, Cynthia Hill's film feels like a call to action.

Because the original citations are often difficult to ferret out, I have archived links to the most relevant and important on my Leadership page. Deanna Walters had been asked repeatedly, by friends, family, and then law enforcement and lawyers, the common question: "Why didn't you leave him?" This documentary chronicle's comprehensive interviews with law enforcement, victim's family members, reporters and his daughter Kerri Rawson. The police officer who finally pulled the truck over and called an ambulance, said, "In the 15 years I've been a law enforcement officer, I've never seen anybody in a car wreck as badly beat up as that girl." Great con…, RT @C2i2_UCLA: Virtual Screening with Live Panel Sunday, October 4, 4pm PST with the filmmaker, @shalinikantayya, -- joined by @AmosToh and…, RT @DrSarathena192: OH WOW!

Gruelle says, "I refer to restraining orders as a last will and testament.". Chika resists, but the woman says that they'll be in the store for a long time. Too many of us have instead heard a laundry list of excuses from people who are being paid to protect us but who would prefer to rub shoulders with and raise money from the Junior League set. I've done the course twice. (2014). I checked it out on Amazon and think he makes good points. Nobody dares to ask the bank president why they continue to keep money there or don’t move. Private Violence began six years ago as a collaboration between Ms. Gruelle and documentary film producer Cynthia Hill, who witnessed her own mother’s abuse. My hunch is that the 25% who successfully get away are involved with what researchers call a “Cobra” abuser ~ they slither on to their next prized prey when she successfully gets away. I rejoiced at the end to learn that Deanna is close to finishing college.