I did not overcorrect or freeze,” (51). This theme will eventually apply to the humans in the novel, who also communicate non-verbally, even when they can speak. Enzo's goal is to eventually become human, which will allow him to participate in all the activities he sees on television. Eve insisted that he take the spot. List at least three ways things have changed around the house due to Eve’s illness. What It Means to Be Human. Zoë is too young to understand that the nuggets have gone bad—she can only refuse to eat them and say that she does not like them. Denny is furious with Eve for leaving Enzo. Eve becomes visibly upset as soon as Denny tells her he has to spend more time away—Denny's touring is more difficult than she bargained for—but she tries to maintain her composure through dinner.

Enzo makes it extremely clear from the very beginning that he's not human, and the extent he must go to communicate with humans because of this. As Enzo sits and listens to what they are saying about Denny, Maxwell feeds him a pepperoncini pepper, which tears up his stomach and throat. Enzo tells the reader of a dog in Mongolia. “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. The story begins with the fact that when Denny picks up after Enzo, he puts the biodegradable bags of feces together in a larger grocery bag until the larger bag is full, and then he disposes of the bag in a public dumpster or a trash can in the park.
However, we see how old and ill Enzo really is, as it becomes obvious that Enzo's act isn't really that far away from the truth. Enzo witnesses Denny and Eve being sexually intimate and begins to understand that there is a different kind of love that humans can feel for each other that he and Denny will never share. For example, we might question whether he will actually be reincarnated as a human after he is euthanized. But, just like how Enzo’s rational mind was sent into hallucinations and visions of an alternate reality, so too could Eve be imagining things that are not there, or forgetting responsibilities that seem obvious to everyone else—like taking care of Enzo. She is afraid of her condition and the dangers he will face on the track.

But since that isn’t the case, he is forced to wait. He's preparing himself and his master Denny for their ultimate goodbye. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC.

But his rage is redirected when Zoë discovers that all of her dolls and stuffed animals have been torn to shreds.

Despite his grim circumstance, he finds inspiration by applying Denny’s philosophy of racing in the rain. He must rely on actions and expressions, non-verbal cues, in order to communicate. Note that Denny shares his fears that the trip is “one way” only with Mike.

LitCharts Teacher Editions. Then he tells Enzo that he placed first overall in the Watkins Glen race, which presents a dilemma. Thus, Stein’s omission contributes to the novel’s suspense. The pull between racing and family will be a recurring conflict throughout the novel. Enzo begins the novel in the present tense moment from which he is narrating, and we learn that he is facing an important life-or-death decision. Enzo is terrified and slinks to Zoë’s side, and Zoë, still in tears over the loss of all her toys, lays her hand gently upon Enzo’s head in a gesture of forgiveness. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. He insists that his canine biology has evolved to help him survive in situations such as these.

But now that the time has come for Denny to hit the road, Eve is clearly afraid that they might lose each other somehow. The Art of Racing in the Rain: Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis Next. Television here acts as a symbol for Enzo's education and belief system. In these opening chapters, Stein immediately introduces the theme of communication, or in Enzo’s case, the limits of communication.

The Art of Racing in the Rain Summary In The Art of Racing in the Rain, Enzo, a dog, reflects on his life and tells the story of his owner, Denny. In these chapters, Eve’s mysterious illness begins to manifest itself in her behavior, which has real situational and emotional consequences for the Swift family. This scene returns to the aforementioned theme of the limits of communication.