Very helpful !! # modify: + ~~~~~~~~~ “amr”: [ Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. The asterisks in the Pass token column indicate modules that do not have a parameter to pass the access token to, but for which certain workarounds exist. Yes you could use Azure Key Vault. “tid”: “ef0d1654-835d-4970-80e9-fd59fb2b4981”, The authentication mechanism requested by the client is not supported by the server or unencrypted traffic is disabled in the service configuration.”.

So i need to setup one more app to generate the access token with refresh token. Switch back to the preview mode and there are even more parameters now: The final thing would be to copy the App Id. client is not supported by the server or unencrypted traffic is disabled in the service configuration. Finally I would like to store our App ID as well as the password for the certificate inside the Azure Automation Account assets. This negotiation is handled by headers that are added to the request. It includes the scope as fulluseraccess. Your email address will not be published.

The Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module (abbreviated as the EXO V2 module) uses modern authentication and works with multi-factor authentication (MFA) for connecting to all Exchange-related PowerShell environments in Microsoft 365: Exchange Online PowerShell, Security & Compliance PowerShell, and … First, thank you for spending the time to put this together. Here is the script that worked for us: $client_id = “7716031e-6f8b-45a4-b82b-922b1af0fbb4”.

I’ve tested and it works as expected. Link: We actually just had that issue, Markus! ( Log Out /  This would be super helpful. For the purposes of automation, a solution that does not require any user interaction is preferred, so my recommended method is to configure the bypass, however you can also invoke the generic ADAL prompt and perform the login process interactively if needed. + FullyQualifiedErrorId : -2144108273,PSSessionOpenFailed. Although both values do not exactly belong together, you can store them as a simple credential pair. Created the PS script with the following: $Authorization = “Bearer {token}” + throw ($resources.WrongUserName -f $($UserName)) 9/24/2020; 5 minutes to read; In this article. I got this resolved. The authentication mechanism requested by the “wids”: [ Please let me know if you are able to do a quick call or a skype chat to discuss this issue further. ANy help you can give would be greatly appreciated. New-ExoPSSession : AADSTS50076: Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a You can easily verify this if you look at the connection settings of the PowerShell session after you connect to SfBO via modern auth. AfaIk there are PowerShell cmdlets to retrieve assets from key vault? We were able to fix the issue. This particular DLL is found in both of these modules and I had loaded MSOnline one, which was causing the problem. oauth. I see the ?BasicAuthToOAuthConversion=true