In countries with few female politicians, THB it is good to have a politically active ‘first lady’. Finals Opening Government Madam Speaker, this is a debate about the invisible citizens of this republic.

This house would allow citizens to vote on individual bills in place of their representative, with the representative retaining the voting power of those of their constituents who did not directly vote on that specific bill. Examples of this legislation include, but are not limited to, increased severance pay and detailed cause requirements for terminating employment. This house believes that all states should mandate that research on and use of CRISPR technology be exclusively carried out by institutions funded entirely by the state. A “narrow banking” regulation is the requirement that all financial institutions back up all deposits with an equivalent value of government-back safe assets, unless customers choose to deposit their money in an “equity account”. This House supports a norm of embracing anger in public discourse rather than one of aspiring to dispassionate objectivity, This House would impose a narrow banking regulation. At its formation, ASEAN adopted principles that have come to be known as “the ASEAN Way.” These principles place strong emphasis on national sovereignty, and a commitment to non-intervention in the affairs of member states. This house supports job security legislation. A number of countries are currently negotiating to establish the world's largest free trade area by comprehensively liberalising trade in the Asia-Pacific region. Historically, the format of WUDC was determined by the host country which allowed for the American Parliamentary Debate format. TH supports stronger collective bargaining rights and protections rather than legislated labor market regulations (e.g., wage levels and working conditions), THBT the creation of feminist icons and their cults of personality are good for the feminist movement, THBT criminal punishments should be based only on the offenders' culpability rather than the damages caused by the criminal act or other outcomes derived from the punishment. Opening Opposition Mr. Speaker, there's nothing shiny about our extension, but it will be real. The value of an equity account fluctuates based on the value of its underlying assets. You can find the official website here. A sunset clause is a legal measure that provides that the law in which it is contained shall expire after a specific date, unless further action is taken to extend it.

THBT non-western countries who were once colonized, when fabricating the material culture of national identity (anthems, street names, holidays, flag, etc.) We're going to be the first team in this debate to show you what ethnic conflict really is …, THBT all states should create special economic zones in cities where all economic activities (except the purchase of goods and services are carried out by women). Grand Final Opening Government Madame Chair, the global poor all around the world, and no matter what country in which they live, currently live in a system of dictatorship. Some examples include: removing statues of colonial figures e.g. They live under a dictatorship known as no alternatives, shackled by capital that's …, Continue reading WUDC Thessaloniki 2016 Finals, TH supports the establishment of a black secessionary state within the territory of the US, the founding of which is supported by the American government. Round 4: This house believes that states should allow all non-citizen migrant workers to vote in local and national elections Round 5: This House supports a school voucher system Round 6: This house would not allow sellers and service providers to advertise their products beyond showing information and images that reveal technical product details. People are genetically engineered and socially conditioned by the state for specific societal roles.