Power expands our body language. Sleeping on a decision often improves the quality of our decision. Angela Davis. Calm down and respond from a place of reason. Change ). We classify new acquaintances into types. The ideal effect of presence. Your body shapes your mind, your mind shapes your behavior, and your behavior shapes your future. Power builds upon power, presence builds upon presence. Required fields are marked *. Low power poses are constricted and clenched. Most people prioritize warmth over competence. Exercise with new employees to think and write about what they can uniquely bring to the job, then share answers with the group. Example, anxiety to excitement instead of anxiety to calm. Based on Amy’s TED talk (embedded at the end of the summary). He identified four critical dimensions, a person must be: Such presence is manifested as personally engaged behaviors. The kind of power that is the key to presence. She discussed how body language can affect how others around you can perceive you. How can you repeat that behavior today? 1992 study by William Kahn on psychological presence in the workplace. ( Log Out /  Acting with Presence ( Log Out /  Watching for clues that let me know they don’t completely buy what they are selling. Observations Amy has collected from venture capitalists evaluating pitches: Don’t try selling something you don’t believe in.

Intolerant of people or feedback that challenges them. Hope you enjoyed this and got value from my notes. The high status person is looking out at the world, the low status person is looking at himself. High power poses are expansive and open. Powerlessness makes us self-absorbed. The more often people say “I” the less powerful and sure of themselves they are likely to be. Briefly saying words that connote power like control, command and authority and make you feel present and powerful. If we look more confident in the mirror, she states, then maybe we may start to feel more confident as a consequence of that. Why rush to make what will probably be a poor decision? Presence stems from believing our own stories. How can we make lockdown a more edifying experience? Presence is the medium through which trust develops and ideas travel. Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are No two ways about it: Social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s talk from TEDGlobal 2012 touched a nerve, and sparked a sensation. Benefits of the breathing exercise. I don’t mind if they are a little bit nervous. When we feel powerful we speak more slowly and take more time, we don’t rush and aren’t afraid to pause. Lists specific tips on preparation before public speaking. Testosterone Fear of failure is often considered the root cause. If power reveals, then we can only know the truly powerful. Results were superior to those of other groups given a basic orientation or a company culture based orientation. At some point you just have to decide to stay on the board. Your email address will not be published. Reference to Robert Caro and his books. Incremental Change: Baby Steps Analysis of venture capital pitches.

Quickly become defensive and dismissive of people they perceive as threatening. Here’s what I found, Rich Roll’s book Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of the World’s Fittest Men, and Discovering Myself, I went vegan for a week. What keeps us from being present in our lives? Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Power can synchronize us. The path to personal power is also the path to presence. We convince by our presence. A bit of quiet goes a long way towards being present. These traits can’t easily be faked. To learn more the author recommends Yoga for Pain Relief by Kelly McGonigal. When we feel powerful we feel free, in control, un-threatened and safe. Power effects our physiology. Talked less about themselves, reflecting less self-focused worry.

Incremental changes, based on tiny nudges, will eventually lead not only to professional success, but also to confidence, comfort and improved self-efficacy, relationships, health and well-being. Social Power is characterized by: Notice situations and people that trigger powerless body language.