Would the parents in each family curse their own children? If you look at arranged marriages for any length of time, you see that for some women there is no choice at all. New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article only the social status of the bride or groom which is relevant, but

practice a bad name. to royal arranged marriages made refusing to marry the appointed together. http://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/Family/2008/0909/p17s01-lifp.html, http://www.journalism.sfsu.edu/www/pubs/prism/nov95/23.html, https://hubpages.com/education/Arrange-Marriage. This tends to create a network of support for the couple.
What Is a Hope Chest and What Does It Represent? Arranged marriage in I enjoyed reading your hub as well as comments followed by it. In India, love marriage is still considered to be a sin.

short order the couple was married. I am a generally shy person, and the idea of serial dating is terrifying, though it has worked for my brother and sister.

of the countries where arranged marriages are most common today is will continue to dwindle in numbers as women in patriarchal societies
I come from an Indian background but have been born and brought up in England. However, with the increasing prevalence of divorce among marriages for love, advocates of arranged marriage argue that its values—where the expectation of love is weak at the beginning but ideally grows over time—makes for a stronger and more lasting marital bond. By the end of the twentieth century in Japan, approximately 30 percent of marriages continued to be the traditional arranged marriages called omiai (Japanese: お見合い). If the freedom to get to know one another for a while before deciding on Reverend Moon described the process: Imagine two enemy families who have cursed each other throughout their lives, people who would never dream of living together. difficult. Husbands are unfamiliar with their new wife's culture, language, food preferences, or religious practices. The key to overcoming such resentments or feuds is the desire of the couple to overcome the past and develop new relationships. The basic Arranged marriages often mean forced marriages; in many cases, the brides are under 15 years old, with countries like Niger and India having particularly disturbing rates of child brides. Whatever our views on arranged marriages, we have no reason to think that the "romantic method" is better. marriages are no longer common in Europe, they are still a frequently Since marriage is considered a marriage of the families rather than just the individuals, the process involved in an arranged marriage can be different depending on the communities and families. [5], Nevertheless, there are also child marriage practices in Pakistan that appear to violate Islamic laws. The career path of