complete guide to WordPress on AWS Lightsail, The AWS services needed when running WordPress, Free tier costs for new users in your first year, Typical prices for a modest WordPress site, AWS Cloudfront CDN to improve performance, AWS S3 storage for offloading your blog images, which we will also serve via CDN, to improve performance, HTTP requests – $0.009 per 10000 requests, HTTPS requests – $0.012 per 10000 requests, GET requests (outbound) – $0.00042 per 1000, PUT requests (inbound) – $0.0053 per 1000, Data transfer to the internet – 1GB free, then $0.09 per GB, Cloudfront – 200,000 pages per month (~7000 pages per day) at 0.5MB per page, S3 – 5000 images served per day (which is a lot, because your images will be cached in Cloudfront anyway). After you’ve spent all your time and energy on your first site, you never get around to those others. This plan starts at just $19.95/month. If you’re starting out, you should know that the prices at the beginning are very small. If you’re not ready to get involved in managing your own WordPress site and you don’t expect to ever have reasonable amounts of traffic, then AWS is not for you. AWS pricing – pricing calculator – That limit of 25,000 visits per month is a problem for people looking to build a successful blogging business. After your free tier year ends, the cost would be around $14.53 or £11.16 per month for that same example site. Maybe you have intentions to start up a few different sites, so you pay for the more expensive plan. If you prefer to use AWS directly, then you can go to Amazon Lightsail and get started.

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Unless you are running a site where users can upload content, the “inbound” data transfer charges for your site will be minimal. You might save a tiny amount by going elsewhere, but if you’re going to use AWS Lightsail and haven’t bought a domain yet, then it would be an advantage to get your domain name on AWS too, so everything is in one place. AWS is present in over 200 locations Worldwide. Other domain name sellers charge very similar. Your Cloudfront CDN will incur charges according to the amount of data transferred out to the internet or in to your WordPress server. That is why I recommend Bluehost for beginners. That’s a big commitment. When you get to the limit your site will be “limited” until the end of the calendar month when your billing cycle resets. AWS WordPress costs less than SiteGround with a lot more traffic. It’s the same cost for US and Canada, and slightly more expensive for other regions like Africa. $3.50 per month gets you a server with 512MB RAM, 1 CPU, a 20GB SSD, and includes 1TB data transfer.

AWS is one of the fastest cloud provider. It saves money. And speed is a wonderful thing for SEO. You will also incur charges for the number of requests handled by your server, the amount of data transmitted, storage of backups, load balancers, CDNs, and other services depending on what you use. Beyond the included 1TB of data, data transfer from your server out to the internet will cost you $0.09 per GB. Regards, Tim. For an example site with around 200,000 page views per month, as a first year free tier user you can expect to pay around $5.48 in the first month and then $8.97, or just £6.90 per month. The problem with SiteGround is that when your traffic outgrows your payment plan, you will have a sharp price increase. It got you covered. The CodeThump AWS WordPress course will teach you how, but if you’re not willing to be hands-on then check out our guide to using SiteGround and our guide to picking the best managed WordPress host. Mfon is passionate blogger, digital marketer and affiliate marketer with many years of exposure to every part of internet entrepreneurship.